The General in his labyrinth

Abdul Hafeez Maryoud

As Al-Bashir ascended the stage in Kordofan, at the inauguration of the export road, his appetite for stories is whetted… He told about (a story that happened to me, told to me by a friend of mine). Critics and storytellers, of course, allow that… The theory of “multiple voices”… Al-Bashir at the time didn’t know that “his onion was being fried,” like any “Masallamya rooster.”

And “generalism” is a recurring condition. From George Bernard Shaw, nine out of ten are born completely stupid.

Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, the Commander-in-Chief of the Sudanese Army, after issuing a decree, appointing a governor for West Darfur state, less than a month ago, returns, yesterday, Thursday, to announce in a meeting of the “Sovereignty Council”, headed by him, to issue a decision directing the Humanitarian Action Commission, in coordination with the Qatari Humanitarian Aid Coordinator, (to open the Adré border crossing, for a period of 3 months, according to the known and agreed upon regulations, in order to ensure the delivery of humanitarian aid to citizens).

Do you see ?

There is no need to emphasize that the Army and the Islamists are exploiting the Sudanese people’s ignorance of their country. This has become part of the basis of hegemony and talking nonsense, which are the strategies they rely on.

The news leaves you with the impression that the Adré border crossing, which is about twenty kilometers away from the city of El-Geneina, the capital of West Darfur state, or a little more, falls entirely under his authority, when in reality it has been closed since the beginning of the war, to those crossing except with Al-Burhan’s permission..

After about a year and a half of war, Al-Burhan and his Sovereignty Council have decided to open the crossing (for a period of 3 months, according to the known and agreed upon regulations, to ensure the delivery of humanitarian aid to citizens).

Do you see ?

Despite their foolishness, many will relay the news to the public, to increase the scope of ignorance. Some of them will be ecastic that the Army -unable to even afford chewing tobacco- cuts the skin off itself and allows the crossing to be opened for 3 months so that citizens can receive humanitarian aid.

The reality is that the general, who leads an Army of poor people, cannot allow a bird or a plane… a man or a rider…  floating or crawling to pass through Adré.  Because when the division was liberated in Ardamata, his soldiers and officers fled to Adré.. the Chadian city on the western border of Sudan.. Media channels broadcasted the Sudanese Army’s entry into the area, fleeing from the Rapid Support Forces, and the Chadian Army’s reception of them, as well as the statements issued by the Chadian Minister of Defense..

The Chadian authorities then allowed them to be transferred from “Am-Djarass” Airport to Port Sudan. The Sudanese Army made three trips before the Chadian authorities stopped them and expelled the Consul, the Military attaché, along with others from the Sudanese embassy staff.

Do you see ?

Who is General Al-Burhan and his Sovereignty Council laughing at by opening the Adré border crossing for 3 months, according to the regulations ?

I crossed into Chad from the relevant border crossing in August of last year.. and returned through it to South Sudan in April.. and it is -like most border crossings- under the control of the Rapid Support Forces..

Isn’t that the general’s labyrinth ?

Like the instructions of Lt. Gen. Ibrahim Jaber to the Minister of Industry in charge, to dismantle and transport factories from Khartoum, and install them in (safe states).. If the Minister of Industry was able to reach the factories in Khartoum, and dismantle them, it is better to operate them in their current locations.

Do you see ?


We will be waiting for the new governor of West Darfur state, and with him the delegations of the Humanitarian Aid Commission, accompanied by Sultan Saad Bahar al-Din, personally, to open the border crossing for a period of 3 months… because El-Geneina is starving..

So hurry up, “Chairman of the Sovereignty Council”..

*The picture says “Bal bas – Military Decisiveness only”.

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