The public shouldn’t be left hostage to the hawks of war

Salah Jalal


The Sudanese people have reached the limit and have become like the honorable ones at the tables of the contemptible others among their own kind before General Al-Burhan reached this stage.

Eleven million people have been displaced from their homes and more than five million lost their monthly salaries in the public and private sectors. In addition (18) million students have been out of school for more than a year.

The complete economic collapse, where the exchange rate of the local currency “Sudanese Pound” exceeded (3,000 sdg) to one dollar. The the specter of famine threatens (25) million people, millions of women, children and the elderly are expected to perish. Two million refugees in neighboring countries have lost the dignity of humane living and (80%) of hospitals are out of service, these are the indisputable details of the lived reality.


Who are the beneficiaries of the war ? Who wishes for it to continue ?? A group of politicians who yearn to be able to monopolize power even if it comes at the expense of the Sudanese people.

Absolute power without oversight from a legislative body and a free media. Utter corruption practiced by those calling themselves Ministers and state governors who have, during the time of famine and hardship the citizens were facing, accumulated millions of dollars in foreign banks.
Additionally, there are eight businessmen known by name who share the profits in suspicious deals in selling gold, importing fuel and foodstuffs, without paying the export proceeds to the country.

Chaos is hatching and laying eggs in their coffers. What Sudan is experiencing at the moment is an ideal climate for the bats of darkness and their henchmen from Crocodile Birds that clean their teeth and live under their protection with bounties and royal offerings. All of them have no interest in stopping the war, for it is the goose that lays golden eggs, Abu Namu.

Therefore, it is natural for the influential war profiteers to reject any call to stop the war for humanitarian considerations, for they are devoid of such sensitivities.
He who lacks something cannot give it. What can be done for the rest of the people who are burned by the fire of war ?? We leave it hostage to the worthless birds and those with vile interests !!!

A Saudi diplomat once addressed the Armed Forces delegation when the Army withdrew from the “Jeddah” platform in its second session: “Time is blood, and wasting dignity”.


We can refer back in history to the difference between the delegation of “Abu Namu”, the Minister of Minerals according to the expired Juba delegation to Jeddah and the delegation of Saad Zaghloul after the 1919 revolution, which included Abdulaziz Fahmy, Ali Shaarawy, Ahmed Lotfi El-Sayed, Makram Ebeid and Ismail Pasha, expressing the hopes and aspirations of the Egyptian people.

Which ended up forming the popular majority party (the delegation) and the delegation of disappointment and the lazy fellows of the Sultan led by the Minister of Minerals, Mohammed Bashir Abu Namu, representing the opportunistic elite benefiting from the war, who frustrated the hopes of the Sudanese people by wasting numerous opportunities to stop the war and destruction in the country.

The delegation of blatant contradictions that supports the outcomes of the “Jeddah” Declaration and demands the opposite. According to its texts, the “Jeddah” Declaration doesn’t recognize the legitimacy of a government in Sudan, the delegation’s goal was very much clear and blatant, for they wanted to block the path to stop the war through a negotiating framework held under international auspices in “Switzerland”.

Hence, the rush to announce the recommendation not to participate in the “Geneva” talks before reaching the Council of Ministers or the Commander-in-Chief of the Army and wrapping the deadly poison in false patriotism so that the people would die and the fat cats would get to live.


The civil forces that are the only expression of the majority of the Sudanese people and their critical mass, representing the forces of the legitimate revolution that overthrew the former “Inqaz” regime, must clearly announce that they bear the responsibility of the popular mandate if the Armed Forces and the Port Sudan government are absent from the “Geneva” negotiations.

To confirm that they will go to the negotiations to sign a Peace Agreement and stop the war with the Rapid Support Forces and will not leave the Sudanese people hostage to those of limited dreams, the fools of power and wealth.

The civil forces have a historical responsibility to stop the war with popular, regional and international support. And it must deal with those who reject it as a rebellion against legitimacy and confront them utilizing all means necessary in order to resolve the matter in favor of popular legitimacy as well as to achieve the interests of the Sudanese people. For the Sudanese people mustn’t be left hostage to the warmongers who benefit from the bloodshed and destruction at the expense of honorable and free citizens.

Declaring popular legitimacy is the path to salvation and to sign a peace agreement with the Rapid Support Forces is the path to stopping the war. Its a possibility incase the leadership of the Armed Forces failed to attend the “Geneva” negotiations.
The civilian forces must then declare the imposition of a new legitimacy that expresses the interests of the people of Sudan and take all measures necessary to restore the transitional regime to its democratic path that ends with free elections within two years of signing the Peace Agreement and under the leadership of a government of patriotic competent individuals known for their experience and integrity to complete the program of the glorious December Revolution.

The new legitimacy must declare its full cooperation with the African Union, the Arab League, the United Nations, the European Union, neighboring countries as well as friendly nations around the world, calling on them to recognize the legitimacy and support it to restore stability, achieve peace, confront the humanitarian challenges that threaten the lives of the Sudanese men and women, in addition to supporting their struggle for a decent life and leaving behind the George Orwell’s Animal Farm.


In Conclusion:

The Sudanese people, presently and in the future, mustn’t be left hostage to brokers of losing bargains, as well as to the irresponsibility, lack of awareness and understanding of parasitic groups that care only about their narrow interests.

Al-Burhan; this is a losing war, you must put a stop to it immediately. We urge you with Badr Shakir al-Sayyab wordings to those who no longer have room for mercy in their consciences.

Your conscience is weighted down with sins..
Therefore, your conscience doesn’t torment you..




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