Attending despite the absence !!

Sabah Mohammed Al-Hassan

As conspiracy passes through time..
It gathers all the tools for its downfall and reveals that the final stages of isolation… might very well be surrender


The head of the government delegation, Mohammed Bashir Abu Namu, couldn’t be honest and transparent in his statement after the return of the Sudanese government delegation from Jeddah, when he stated that the consultations with the American party were concluded without reaching an agreement regarding the delegation’s participation in the “Geneva” negotiations. The minister didn’t mention the reasons that made the delegation’s participation unacceptable.

He failed to mention that the obstacle was that America expected the presence of figures representing the Sudanese Armed Forces, not the Kizani government or the Armed Movements.

The delegation’s return to Sudan revealed to the Kizani government’s fears, not that it isn’t welcome at the negotiating table whether in “Geneva” or “Jeddah”, but it wasn’t allowed to practice political deception either. Moreover, the manipulation tactics that the ousted regime’s holdouts adopted in the past has sadly run its course, as the lack of recognition of the government, was mainly evident in the language used, but is currently evident in actions as well. As the government delegations come and go without leaving a trace.

And because the government, as mentioned previously, sent its delegation to learn more about the “Geneva” agenda, nothing more. The Foreign Ministry stated yesterday, after the return of the Minister of Minerals to Port Sudan, that the American party -during the Jeddah meetings- failed to provide anything that justifies the establishment of a new platform for negotiations !!

As if this question is of any importance to the afflicted Sudanese people.

The delegation confirmed that its pretentious mission was limited to learning about the reasons behind the invitation to the “Geneva” talks, which indicates that “Geneva” is a (bogeyman) that prompted the concern of the entire delegation !!

It is rather strange that the government inquiried about justifications for holding the “Geneva” talks. While knowing that its failure to respond to successive calls for negotiations in “Jeddah” doesn’t afford it the right to act astonished at the establishment of another platform, because its repeated escape attempts were the reason for the establishment of more than one platform in order to convince the government that negotiation is the only way to resolve the Sudanese crisis and stop the war.

If the government had made the effort to participate in the “Jeddah” platform before, then the mediation wouldn’t have needed to resort to creating another avenue of applying pressure in “Switzerland” to dissuade the government from its stubborn positions that ignited and is actively prolonging the Sudanese war as well as causing the death of hundreds of Sudanese people either by gunfire or starvation.

It seems that America doesn’t place much weight on the delegation’s statement, nor does it particularly care whether the government refused to participate in the talks or accepted, because the government itself isn’t concerned with the invitation, a fact made rather evident by continuing to extend the invitation.

The US Special Envoy for Sudan, Tom Perriello, announced yesterday his arrival in “Geneva” to hold talks on the Sudanese crisis and expressed hopes for achieving “positive results.” This statement followed the government delegation’s return to Sudan and the government’s announcement that it hadn’t reached an agreement that would enable it to participate in the talks in “Switzerland”, meaning that America is confirming its presence despite the government’s absence.

Therefore, Tom Perriello is attempting to make a statement that the talks are taking place on time despite one major and original party to the negotiations apologizing. The announcement doesn’t fit the interpretation except for two reasons, without a third, the first of which is that Al-Burhan promised and set a date for the mediation, in which he confirmed the participation of the Armed Forces, regardless of the government’s desire, especially since there are whispers about a secret visit made by the general to Saudi Arabia a day before the government delegation went there. If that information is true, then it raises the question regarding what pledges and commitments did the general make to the Mediation, which prompted America to not care about the withdrawal of the government delegation, and whether it agreed to the invitation or apologized. Did the general conclude a secret deal regardless of the remnants of the defunct regime’s position !! Will he surprise the people and announce his bias towards their choices and his urgent desire to stop this nonsense!!

Or is the other reason imposed by the jurisprudence of necessity, which may prompt America to hold the negotiations on its announced date in the presence of one party to the conflict to provide a clear and direct justification that propels the reveal of its intention to move to Plan (B) !!

Will the Mediation put the Sudanese crisis with its catastrophic humanitarian details before it and announce a decision to resolve the chaos in the field and to put an end to the tragedy, move to the second phase, which the remnants will also be responsible for causing, if it happened, similar to how they caused the war, put forth efforts to waste the opportunity for peace in peace, and bear the consequences of that particular step and its resulting effects !!

Therefore, if America is relying heavily on one of the two possibilities, its keenness and insistence on holding the negotiations (in any case) is a natural and possible matter. !!

In conclusion:


In this war, those people paid for security with everything they owned and today they are paying their lives as a price to secure peace.



Quoted from AL-Jareeda Newspaper

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