Al-Atta and the National Congress Party’s Conspiracy .. An Analysis

Ali Ahmed

As soon as I finished listening to the interview of Al-Burhan’s Assistant “Yasser Al-Atta”, a man with nothing to offer, the Qur’aanic verse from “Surat Al-A’raf” crossed my mind and heart: [So his example is like that of the dog: if you chase him, he pants, or if you leave him, he (still) pants].

In our local culture, we say: “Whovere God fated to fall, will never elevate,” and this “Yasser” -may God bless the listeners- possesses no military sense, manliness, or humanity in him. He has no opinion; his masters in the National Congress Party give him dots and letters that he puts on his -loose- tongue and scatters them directly on air. He is used by the lower classes that fall under the category of (the followers).

The man stated in his own comical way and with his trembling, panting, quivering voice that he was (chatting) -note the word (chatting)- on the phone three or four days ago, with the (brother), Al-Burhan, and (this brother) told him: “Listen, why don’t you and Al-Kabbashi (come to an agreement), to handle this matter,” adding: “I have reached the limit,” but Yasser is quick to reply with: “We’ve all reached the limit, but the responsibility before history and the Sudanese nation is to defeat this rebellion…etc.”

Oh, how sad I am for the Army, for it has completely collapsed under this weak, trembling, irresponsible leadership; here is the Assistant Commander-in-Chief (the third man) in the Army hierarchy, talking about his Commander-in-Chief in a manner that lacks respect, politeness, and military discipline.

Moreover, how can you speak about your Military Commander-in-Chief in public and describe it as a (chat) with (a brother), even if we are already aware that he is a naturally ridiculed Commander ? Is this Army a family, a group, a family or party partnership, or simply a group of unemployed and vile people ?! Even though we are perfectly aware that all of the above is true.

This never happens across the globe, how do you belittle your leader to this extent, begrudging him even the mention of his rank as Commander-in-Chief, and describing what took place as a “chat”, this is rather absurd, for it tears down the Military hierarchy in an unprecedented manner.

Moreover, how do you (come to an agreement)? Is this how things are done in armies ? If (brother Al-Burhan) wants to retire, as the lying evasive man says, then the leadership goes directly by seniority and Military hierarchy to his deputy Al-Kabbashi, which raises the question of: Why and in what way should Al-Atta come to an agreement with Al-Kabbashi, if the matter is decided militarily ?!

Not only that, but what is the motive behind Yasser Al-Atta revealing a private conversation between him and his Commander-in-Chief to the public, if it is true in the first place! And I don’t think it. In addition, what did the man want to say ? What message did he wish to convey to both Al-Burhan and Al-Kabbashi ?!

Apparently, Al-Atta wants to prepare the public opinion for a new Kizani Coup that seeks to overthrow Al-Burhan first, then force Al-Kabbashi to give up his right to assume leadership according to the Military hierarchy and seniority. Thus the obedient servant of the ousted regime’s holdouts will assume leadership of the Army, and this is the most likely scenario.

I stated previously that if the phone call that Al-Atta talked about is true, this simply means that Al-Kizan and their militias have made their decision to dispose of Al-Burhan, but what will they do with Al-Kabbashi ? They don’t want him for mostly regional reasons, or rather for blatantly racist reasons.

However, for these same reasons, they are keeping him now, because most of the remaining Army Forces fighting on the battlefield is from the same social components that Al-Kabbashi comes from, perhaps that is why they instructed their obedient boy to throw a stone in the still pond (as a test).

The real Army Commander, Al-Koza (Sana’ Hamad), followed up with a post on her Facebook page, saying: “Al-Atta and Al-Kabbashi are both appreciated, but the challenges lie in the external influence. Whoever has the courage and willingness to confront the external challenges; We won’t say is the best, but is the most appropriate. Al-Kabbashi was tested when he led the negotiating delegation and he subsequently failed.”

Regardless of the weakness of Sana’s post and its poor editing, we are attempting to focus on explaining, interpreting and deconstructing the post instead, why did it follow Al-Atta’s statements directly ? where does Al-Burhan stand in regards to this subject ? In addition, why did she talk about Al-Kabbashi and Al-Atta, and put the latter before the former, when the opposite was supposed to happen according to the Military hierarchy?

The answers to such questions will explain to us the major conspiracy taking place between the National Congress Party and Yasser Al-Atta, to get rid of Al-Burhan and Al-Kabbashi together, and it (i.e. the conspiracy) didn’t start today, it merely took shape. If you remember a group of (regional) National Congress Party journalists had signed a memorandum since the first months of the war demanding the dismissal of Al-Burhan and the appointment of Yasser Al-Atta as his replacement, bypassing Shams El-Din Al-Kabbashi.

This group of the National Congress Party (regionalists) wants to get rid of Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, but the man set his trap early by appointing Al-Kabbashi, who belongs to a group that includes about 60% of the soldiers, non-commissioned officers and junior officers currently fighting in the Army, as his deputy. Moreover, according to the Military hierarchy, as I mentioned earlier, he is supposed to become the Commander-in-Chief of the Sudanese Army if Al-Burhan resigns or is forced to do so, or is overthrown. So how can we deal with this stumbling block without it leading to undesirable consequences, such as a widespread rebellion and division within the Army ?

Hence why Al-Atta said what he said, and Sana’ Hamad followed with her words, and little by little Al-Kabbashi will be demonized and described as weak and feeble, then incompetent in dealing with external challenges, and then forced to step down. As for Al-Burhan, the final decision regarding him has already been made.

Another interpretation is that Al-Atta said what he said in coordination with Al-Burhan, within the framework of the game of dividing roles, which is vastly losing steam, to get rid of Al-Kabbashi, whose validity period has expired for them, after he performed all the tasks required of him; from conspiring against the civilians and then overthrowing their government to the war.

It is time to remove him from the scene, peacefully, or in their favorite way by using a one-way plane that takes off and doesn’t land. Otherwise, who is crazy enough to believe that Al-Burhan, who had killed in cold blood more than (200) young men and women in peaceful demonstrations against his Coup, and is currently killing tens of thousands and perhaps hundreds of thousands more, as well as starving and displacing millions in order to achieve his father’s dream, can voluntarily give up and abandon this destructive dream of his to Al-Kabbashi or Al-Atta ?!

Another important issue -apart from the divisions between the (destructive trio)- was mentioned in Yasser Al-Atta’s speech, which is that an international and regional alliance that includes Sudan and other countries is in the process of being formed. He is referring to the alliance of (Russia, China, Iran, and Algeria) coupled with what he revealed about the Army obtaining weapons that will decide the war in favor of the Army in a matter of few days, which is utter nonsense, as none of these countries will risk getting directly involved with a weak (military group), whose government possesses extremist Brotherhood tendencies and isn’t recognized regionally or internationally.

Relations between countries are based on interests, and I don’t believe that anyone has current or future common interests with the (Portkizan) government, especially since it has suffered a crushing defeat in this war, and therefore is the weaker party in the equation, therefore don’t take everything this idiot says seriously, and don’t hold him accountable for the dreams of fools

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