“Sudan Liberation Movement” calls on “ICC” to arrest Sudanese Criminals

The Sudan Liberation Movement, led by Abdul Wahid Mohamed al-Nur, stated that it condemns the attempts of Karim Ahmed Khan, the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court “ICC” to undermine the Court’s efforts. The Movement called on the international community, the United Nations and the UN Security Council to play their role in arresting the criminals fleeing justice, and to pressure the Port Sudan government to hand over the criminals wanted by the International Criminal Court immediately and unconditionally.

The Sudan Liberation Movement’s statement called on countries and honorable people around the world to implement the arrest warrant issued against the criminals wanted by the Court, and heading that particular list is, Omar Hassan Ahmed Al-Bashir, Abdul-Rahim Mohammed Hussein, Ahmed Mohammed Haroun and others.

The statement added: “We would like to stress that retribution for the victims and putting killers and criminals on trial is a right that cannot be waived, negotiated or bargained, and doesn’t expire with the passage of time, and no party in the world has the right to pardon criminals.”

The statement continued, “We have been closely following the actions of the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Mr. Karim Ahmed Khan, which aims to undermine the efforts of the court and prevent it from performing its duties, by finding excuses and justifications for not prosecuting criminals who have fled international justice.”

The statement explained that the approval of the draft law establishing the International Criminal Court on the 17th of July 1998 was a glimmer of hope for the victims of genocide, ethnic cleansing, war crimes and crimes against humanity in Darfur as well as victims of horrific crimes and violations around the world.

The statement reminded the International Criminal Court, the UN Security Council, human rights organizations, as well as legal experts and those interested in humanitarian affairs, in addition to individuals and governments that love peace and justice, that the families and relatives of the victims of genocide, ethnic cleansing, war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the defunct regime of the ousted president Omar Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir and his Military and Security leaders in Darfur since 2002 are still waiting for justice to be achieved, the criminals to be tried and brought to international justice, ensuring that they don’t escape punishment, and restoring the victims’ dignity and humanity.

The statement praised the Court’s efforts as well as the efforts made by the former prosecutors to arrest and prosecute the criminals, reiterating its confidence in the ability and integrity of the judiciary of the International Criminal Court.

It praised the courageous statement of the “Darfur Bar Association” and its partners in particular, and urged local, regional and international human rights organizations to pressure the Port Sudan government to hand over these wanted persons, and to put forth efforts into bringing the issue of Darfur crimes back to the forefront so they wouldn’t be forgotten.

Lastly, the statement stressed that the Movement’s continued demand for the extradition and prosecution of the criminals wanted by the International Criminal Court isn’t only for the sake of establishing justice, but to deter criminals and ensure that such crimes aren’t repeated in Sudan or other countries.

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