Nafie’s escape… Is it in preparation for negotiations in Switzerland ?

Salah Shu'aib

The Police spokesman, Brig. Gen. Fath al-Rahman al-Toum, lied when he told “Asharq Al-Awsat” newspaper that the authorities “Will absolutely not allow those in prisons and fleeing conflict zones to leave Sudan.”

The truth is that Nafie and his colleagues realize that there are no safety guarantees in remaining within the country borders, especially since Al-Burhan, who is currently allied with them, can sacrifice them if he was subjected to pressure when attending the negotiations in Switzerland.

Various sources have reported about the divisions affecting the National Congress Party leaders over the benefits of attending or rejecting the American invitation to negotiations. And in light of the Army’s failure to respond to the invitation so far, the Islamists, it seems, understand each other very well. In the late Turabi’s statements to Al-Jazeera, he shared that they are capable of assassinating their colleagues, not only hand them over to the International Criminal Court “ICC”.

Nafie’s escape to “Türkiye” confirmed beyond any shadow of doubt that the guarantees of survival in the midst of this Islamist schism are questionable. Therefore, we can’t rule out that the rest of the defendants before the “ICC”, and the cadres of the former regime won’t follow in Nafie’s footsteps so that the Islamist leaders can find a solution to some of the provisions of the Jeddah Agreement on the one hand, and to be safe of the their colleagues treacherous tendencies on the other hand.

Currently, behind the scenes of the ongoing play is on full display to the Sudanese people, as the Islamist leaders who ignited this war will leave the country after victories become rather scarce, and they will leave Al-Burhan and his cabinet members alone. However, they won’t stop at “Türkiye”, as they previously opened the prison door for the ISIS members, smuggling them to Somalia and Afghanistan, they will scatter across the earth, but International Criminal Court will surely find them wherever they go.

Following the October coup, the Islamists surrounded Al-Burhan from every side, and therefore they were able to recover the properties previously confiscated by the Committee for Dismantling the June 30th 1989 Regime, Removal of Empowerment and Corruption, and Recovering Public Funds (Dismantlement and Empowerment Removal Committee, DERC).

As the war broke out, they released the prisoners in a ploy to free their leaders as well. And later, they reinstated all the corrupt people who had been referred to retirement by the Revolution Government and Judiciary Authority.

Abu Sabiha succeeded in regaining control of their accounts and dropping all the relevant cases filed against them. After the war started, the National Congress Party found a way to regain its positions in the Civil Service, local media, as well as in the judiciary Authority. In conjunction with these new conditions that guaranteed the Security Service’s return to its previous habits of arresting and torturing people.
The leaders of the National Congress Party found an opportunity to participate in the war plans and hijack the Army’s media as well as the war. Therefore, it isn’t strange that Nafie was able to find a way to escape through Port Sudan Airport while the ink of the police spokesman’s statement hadn’t dried yet.

Thus far, we aren’t exactly aware of the exact whereabouts of former president Omar Al-Bashir, as well as the rest of the defendants in the International Criminal Court, and cadres of the National Congress Party who contributed to the crimes in Darfur, the assassination of the youth of the December Revolution, and corruption.

However, it is certain that most of the leaders of the dissolved party who were accused of murder and corruption fled abroad, thus completing the strategy of the National Congress Party to shuffle the cards after igniting the war, for the party succeeded in creating a chaotic situation that goes beyond the democratic transition of the December Revolution. Coincidently, restoring the National Congress Party’s authoritarian rule within the narrow territory it now controls, but no way !!

I don’t believe that this is the entirety of what this criminal group has in mind. It’s rather expected -with the continued shrinkage of the Army’s area of control- to seek to create massive chaos through explosive militias that penetrate the areas controlled by the Rapid Support Forces. Al-Burhan and his Army’s maneuvers won’t end. They will seek to deceive the international community that is simply attempting to spare Sudan the imminent complete collapse.

We sincerely hope that the Army will boycott the Switzerland negotiations then the world would realize who is actively working to prolong the humanitarian tragedy. Revealing all the objective reasons for the international community to save the people of Sudan urgently.

It is therefore imperative to send international forces to assume responsibility for opening and protecting humanitarian pathways, distributing relief to citizens in regions across Sudan, rehabilitating hospitals to treat patients, imposing security, restoring life to normal, and then resuming the transition towards democracy through a civilian government that represents the real stakeholders.

Sudan needs a new humanitarian Marshall Plan involving the United Nations, friendly countries, continental, regional and humanitarian organizations.

Clearly, that is an urgent duty of the international community, to save millions of people suffering from hunger, lack of security and other basic service requirements. The educated class shouldn’t boast about phrases such as Sovereignty and national legitimacy in light of this dangerous humanitarian situation besieging our country while we learn about its criminals -who ignited the war- leaving the country on the verge of collapse.

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