Security Forces target “FFC” Cadres and the “Emergency Lawyers”

Statement regarding Western Sudanese people

Salah Shu’aib


Omer Al-Bashir regime’s Security Forces have found -with the onset of this war- the opportunity to resume their practices of oppression in two aspects: Targeting the cadres of the Forces of Freedom and Change “FFC”, and arresting people who they claim are affiliates of the Rapid Support Forces.
With the onset of this ongoing demoralization campaigns against the figures of this patriotic cadre intensifying, the issuance of State decisions to dissolve the Resistance Committees, as well as the issuance of arrest warrants for the leaders of the Alliance that led the revolution against the Islamists, the atmosphere was clear for Security Service to do their bidding. When the warmongers incited hate speech -which coincided with the beheading of innocent Baggara tribe members- the Security Forces bowed to the demands of a segment of public opinion that is fed by the Islamists, which led to the arrests of the sons of Darfur and Kordofan, and later some of them were brought to trial, were tortured and then given the death sentence.

Two days ago, the “Emergency Lawyers” rights group issued a statement regarding the arrest of hundreds of civilians on ethnic and regional grounds, after accusing them of cooperating with the Rapid Support Forces simply because they are from Western Sudan. The rights group stated, “The so-called Security Cell in El-Gedaref state, Eastern Sudan, continues to target civilians on ethnic grounds, under the supervision of the leadership of the Second Infantry Division of the Sudanese Army”.

What lends truth to the idea of Al-Kizani war is intentionally targeting “FFC” Cadre, dissolving the Resistance Committees, and the decisions to prosecute leaders of “TAGADOM”, arresting Communist leaders in Shendi, Kassala, and various regions of the country, as well as cracking down on civil society activists living inside the country, preventing any Party activity through political seminars, in addition to preventing the Sudanese people who oppose the war from obtaining their identification papers.

We don’t believe that Al-Kizan differentiate between the progressives and the radicals, as they will all receive the deferred punishment for bringing down the civilizational project that was lost by the peaceful uprising, which is the crux of the issue.

No matter how much the Islamists focus throughout the war on morally exhausting the cadres of “TAGADOM”, they are now postponing their battle with the Communists for a more suitable time. Let’s not forget the Islamists’ previous attempts to tarnish the Party’s reputation, and kill their cadres even by hitting the nail on the head, as was the case with the martyr Ali Fadul, and the torture of hundreds of cadres, the sexual harassment of men and women in detention centers as well.

As for Security Forces’ ethnic targeting of the innocent people of Darfur and Kordofan, it is part of a strategy to turn Sudan into a hotbed of ethnic strife. Perhaps the same strategy was implemented by the Islamists before the December revolutionaries managed to shatter it when they chanted: “The whole Country is Darfur” and thus foiled the conspiracy to involve Abdul Wahid’s faction by claiming that he is the one responsible for killing the revolutionaries. The Islamists of the National Congress Party are professional in behavioral and speech racism, which is incomparably worse than what the former ousted president Al-Bashir said in regards to the “Western Sudanese women”.

The National Congress Party, contrary to its ideology, is an organization based on racism and feeds on it to pass its amoebic agenda of division to groups that oppose them. Its production of the idea of militias in Darfur is nothing but an attempt to exterminate the social nurturing environments of the Armed Movements that are currently fighting alongside the Army as their leaders’ alliance was swayed.
In addition, they managed to ethnically charge them in a similar fashion to how they previously targeted the Janjaweed.

I believe that all political and civil forces that signed the Forces of Freedom and Change Declaration -under which civilians were able to rid of the civilizational project- need to know the historical enemy of the Sudanese political scene, or the political virus that has settled in the country since the fifties, to divide it geographically and socially, and thus separate a dear part of the homeland.

The arrests of the National Congress Security Forces that included progressives and radicals are a clear indication that their vendettas include everyone who participated in ousting their experiment, which was based on the idea that Sudan is the spoils of their war. If they had the chance to control the country again, they would hang the symbols of the Armed Movements and the Communists who had the upper hand during the December revolution, on the gallows of Khartoum.

The Security Forces of the National Congress Party, on the other hand, are wrong for the thousandth time if they think that killing and humiliating the people of Western Sudan, and bombing their cities and residential areas in Khartoum -in response to the desire of the racists who advocate for the continuation of the war- will gain them a certain victory in the war, and resetting its ethnic counter until Sudan is destroyed after their efforts to return to power have been foiled.

This weapon has been tried before, and they must know that the majority of the soldiers are from Western Sudan. I doubt they will continue to fight for long for the sake of the racist Army of the Islamic Movement if this ethnic targeting of their areas and people continues.

However, in general, the National Congress Party has been professional throughout the “Inqaz” period in enacting policies to divide our Central political and civil components, and adopting military strategies to exterminate certain communities, fragment their social fabric, bomb their people with explosive barrels, assassinate their students, and exclude specific ethnic components from the Civil and Military Service, as well as foil their opportunities to obtain jobs in the public and private sectors.

No matter how the war escalates, there is absolutely no future for the success of the National Congress Party’s military policy to drive a wedge between our patriotic and societal civil components.
The Sudanese people are more aware of the role of our national political movements in resisting tyranny. Similarly, the people who brought down the civilizational project through the great revolution are smarter than to be dragged into an ethnic conflict that aims to completely fragment the unity of the sons and daughters of Sudan. And those prone to corruption are destined to fail.

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