A shroud for every Citizen

Safaa Al-Fahl

The veteran governor of Khartoum, Ahmed Osman. Whose (Veteran) status is achieved through his continuous support for the “military decisiveness” option and believe in His Excellency’s great victory. He will continue to be a governor as long as there is a government that values the above over serving the oppressed residents of Khartoum state, thousands of whom are dying on a daily basis, if not by RSF bullets and the armed conflicts between the two warring parties, then by the bombs of Army aircrafts, or by hunger and diseases.

He achieved what the killers aspire to, which is to proudly accept from what is called the “Tawhid Laundry” in Mecca, a quantity of (shrouds and burials) that were handed to him by the mortician, Abdeen Durma, in a (celebration) in the “Ahmed Sharfi” Cemetery amidst the cheers and takbeer of the group of mujahideen belting jihadist songs.

The governor who didn’t promise to advocate for stopping the war and restoring security and safety; Rather, he promised to expand the area of the cemeteries to accommodate the largest possible number of civilian victims, so that citizens wouldn’t resort to burying their dead inside their homes or in public spaces. He chose to give the remaining residents of Al-Thawrat, the Mahdia, and the small part of Omdurman city still under the control of the Islamic brigades and the Army, no hope of addressing the horrific rise in prices or controlling the ongoing chaos and looting of homes, but rather he chose to convey his personal feelings and desire to continue this absurd war.

The recent unhinged and rather peculiar statements issued by the officials linked to the Coup government of (Portkoz) can be regarded as normal if taken into consideration the lack of clear plans to serve the homeland and the citizen on the one hand, and their constant anxiety about the end of this war and what awaits them in terms of accountability, on the other hand, hence, to them, its a matter of survival by all means necessary, just to be able to shamelessly use the poor people under their control, who have nothing to do with this war as shields to protect their claim to power.

Khartoum, the city waking up daily to the sounds of tragedy, doesn’t need a governor who thinks about expanding the cemeteries, it needs -more than other cities- (peace) and security as well as a (military) administration that works to extend the threads of calm and reach an agreement with the other party to stop the continuous bloodbath and silence this arbitrary exchange of fire between both parties to the conflict.

These conditions harm the citizen much more than the fighters of both parties. The city needs to be the nucleus of peace efforts and stopping the ongoing war, considering its the historical capital where this destructive war broke out, in addition, if governed by the wise, not those who support the continuation of the war, it can provide the threads to stop the war.

The revolution will never stop..

Retribution is inevitable ..

Mercy and forgiveness be upon the righteous martyrs of the revolution..


Quoted from AL-Jareeda Newspaper

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