Violent demonstrations in Abu Jubaiyah protesting

the rise in commodity prices

On Tuesday, hundreds of Sudanese citizens demonstrated in the city of “Abu Jubaiyah”, South Kordofan state, leading to riots and the complete shutdown of the city’s market in protest against the scarcity of food and the high prices of basic commodities.

In addition, the Army Forces monopolized the petroleum products and raised their prices to (20,000 SDG) per gallon. Which prompted the rise in fuel prices across the board in an unprecedented manner, as well as an abrupt rise in corn prices.

The high prices and scarcity of goods caused widespread discontent among the citizens of Abu Jubaiyah, who believe the prices are unrealistic and beyond their capabilities, especially since the area is widely known for agriculture.

Similar popular protests are expected to erupt in Port Sudan, Kassala, El-Gedaref, Damazin, Sennar, Al-Obeid, Shendi, Berber, Merowe and Dongola. For a loaf of bread currently costs (200) pounds. In addition, a shortage of medicines in pharmacies is taking place while the dollar exchange rate is (3,000) Sudanese pounds.

This reality prompted some merchants to close their stores and stop selling, with public transportation prices doubling in various cities across the country as a result of the increase in the cost of fuel.

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