Mobilizing from outside the borders !!

Safaa Al-Fahal

Following the remnants of the previous regime’s failed attempts at fanning the flames of war by inciting the local youth and those in displacement Camps to participate in the -lavishly funded- mobilization operations, the de facto government, which had almost reached the stage of despair, began to pressure more of the country’s youth to be the fuel to this absurd war, as they resorted to recruiting refugees outside the country in a rather peculiar behavior that is inconsistent with international norms.

Groups have subsequently appeared in refugee camps in some neighboring African countries and in Egypt, claiming to be affiliated with the Armed Forces, calling on young people to facilitate the task of their return to Sudan to join the ranks of “Mujahideen” for the sake of the nation, promising through a form to grant them excellent positions in public service and some other facilities, or to be assigned different ranks in the Armed Forces according to their qualifications, for those who wish to join the Army after the end of the war.

This disgraceful behavior is carried out in strict confidence with the help of a few Kizani and Security Cells planted in those countries, with the knowledge of the diplomatic missions in said countries, removed from any sort of coordination with the political leadership of those countries.

They’re simply taking advantage of the bad situation, the despair and frustration that some young people are suffering from inside these camps, even though they sought refuge outside the country in search of safety, but were confronted with international neglect of their situation, which in turn made them more susceptible to recruitment by the de facto government in Port Sudan to compensate for the large numbers of mobilized people who withdrew from the battlefields in Sudan during the recent period.

The matter is certainly extremely dangerous when viewed in reference to the statements made by “Al-Burhan” and “Al-Atta” of their unwillingness to negotiate and continue with this war to the last Sudanese citizen standing, in addition to their attempts to find alternatives to what is lost during the battles and even considering the idea of bringing the refugees back just to ensure the war’s continuation.

It is rather unfortunate that these betrayed young men will be trained urgently within days or weeks in order to be thrust into battles on the front lines, and they will never have the chance to fulfill their dreams. Even he, who is pushing these young men towards attempting to realize such an impossible hope of military decisiveness cannot control the reins of the government, settling for a life with a deteriorating unstable fate. For he will not be able to remain in power until he fulfills those promises and dreams he keeps on making even while taking his last breath.

We are confident that the youth’s awareness, despite the harsh conditions they lived through inside the refugee camps and their suffering as a result of the International Community’s complete disregard for their conditions, will fail this malicious plan, that aims to replenish the fuel of war, similar to how the Rapid Support Forces is replenishing the blood of its fighters from the youth of some African tribes, which indicates the unwillingness of both parties to the conflict to stop the war and expand the circle of polarization so that it continues indefinitely, at the expense of the innocent citizen. We still believe that God Almighty will protect the country despite the adversity.

Therefore, the revolution will continue and will not stop…
A reckoning and retribution are a must…
Lastly, mercy be upon the righteous martyrs of the revolution…



Quoted from AL-Jareeda Newspaper

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