The Secrets and Public Knowledge!!

Sabah Mohammed Al-Hassan

Worry is nothing but a bridge on which all dreams that resist being extinguished stand !!

Yesterday, the Army delegation played a game of evasion in “Geneva”, and was absent for the second time from the talks session, and the United Nations mission headed by the Special Envoy for Sudan continued discussions with the Rapid Support Forces delegation.

The Army delegation explained its absence with three reasons, the first of which is that the United Nations failed to share information about the discussions and inform the delegation of the discussions’ agenda.

The second reason: The Army delegation informed the United Nations that it recognizes no other party except the Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC) when it comes to adopting the issue of humanitarian work.

The third reason: The delegation shared about an agreement with the United Nations to preserve the confidentiality of the sessions and they wouldn’t be announced to the media, however, the United Nations failed to adhere to that agreement. Hence why the Army delegation refrained from attending the sessions, but didn’t make any statements regarding refusing to negotiate.

Sitting with the Rapid Support delegation at one table is not a condition in the negotiations. As the United Nations announced that the discussions are indirect, meaning that each party can meet with the United Nations in “Geneva” and the latter would convey its point of view to the other party. The agenda of the discussions are fairly known and announced by the United Nations as discussions about the humanitarian aid issue.

As for the Army delegation’s desire for aid to come through the Humanitarian Aid Commission in Sudan, it is public knowledge that the Commission is a Sudanese government body that manages and organizes all humanitarian work carried out in Sudan under the auspices and supervision of the Sudanese government.

This condition means that the Army delegation wants the government of Port Sudan to be in control of the aid, regardless of the homeland’s urgent need for aid, its suffering, and the death of its people from starvation on daily basis.

All that matters to the Army delegation is for the government to be able to continue its (theft). The catastrophic humanitarian situation needs to be addressed and allowing the entry of aid, which the United Nations would like to implement through its organizations, and the only requirement from both parties to the conflict is to open safe corridors for this aid to arrive.

Regarding the Army delegation’s objection to announcing the negotiations, this means that it isn’t refusing to negotiate with the Rapid Support Forces as evidenced by accepting the invitation in the first place, responding, and traveling to “Geneva”, but it prefers to keep the negotiations a secret, and objects to the announcement; so as not to embarrass the Army Commander-in-Chief who announced that there will be no negotiations with the Rapid Support Forces.

In fact, the Army isn’t refusing to participate in the negotiations in “Geneva”, but would rather it was kept (hushed).

The Army delegation’s refusal to attend the sessions is intended to pressure the Rapid Support Forces to make more concessions on the ground, and for the former to demand the United Nations to stop “RSF” forces from invading the cities they are surrounding.

Realistically, the Army needed the opportunity to demand this concession. Al-Burhan has initially came out demanding the withdrawal of the Rapid Support Forces from neighborhoods, which was later implemented, but the Army responded with launching air strikes using “Drones” in the city of Omdurman. Al-Burhan further demanded the “RSF” to leave “Al-Fasher” and “Zalingei”, and all of these demands were made explicitly and publicly by Al-Burhan through media outlets in conjunction with the presence of the Army delegation in “Geneva”, which confirms that the latter is practicing what could be referred to as “negotiations blackmail”.

There is no available escape route for the delegation, which has developed a habit of evasion in every negotiating forum. The message of Ramtane Lamamra, the UN Secretary-General’s Personal Envoy for Sudan, to Lt. Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Burhan was clear, which was (to send a limited, high-level delegation to Geneva on the tenth of July, to begin discussions with the Rapid Support Forces under the auspices of the United Nations.).

Al-Burhan didn’t refuse to participate or negotiate, and readily sent his delegation. Because Lamamra’s message comes based on his mandate from the Security Council, in accordance with Resolution 2740, to put forth efforts to stop the fighting in Sudan.

Therefore, Lamamra told Al-Burhan in his letter that these discussions are to identify ways to advance specific humanitarian measures and protect civilians through a possible ceasefire.

This is the agenda that the Army delegation denies having any knowledge of, and it is rather well-known that for any discussions or negotiations the delegations are readily informed of the goals and objectives prior to participation.

Ramtane Lamamra, didn’t stop in his revelation at the invitation for discussion on the humanitarian issue, but he went on to add: (through a possible ceasefire). Therefore, the Army is fully aware of the purpose of participation and what the United Nations aims to achieve after opening safe corridors, namely, its intention to achieve a ceasefire.

However, the Army needs the efforts of the United Nations to put pressure on the Rapid Support Forces, in an attempt to curb the latter’s desire to invade more cities and military sites. Perhaps the discussions between both parties to the conflict will bear fruit, even if it were indirect negotiations where the United Nations acts as a mediator.

In Conclusion:

The division in the voices of the Kizani media reflects the current state of division between the Islamists and the Army, with each party speaking from the standpoint of achieving its own interests, paying no mind to the interests of the nation.



Quoted from AL-Jareeda Newspaper

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