After Umm Ba’ar Aruri and Karnawi Jeddah suits you

Ibrahim Kharashi

The majority of those who blew the trumpets of war early on and went so far as to demand it repeatedly, have never experienced the bitterness of wars firsthand. In their mind, victory would soon follow and the political gain through the system of genocide is imminent. They had no previous knowledge of the experience of wars. They truly thought that in war flowers are distributed and smiles are habitually exchanged, or perhaps their false imaginations and mental perceptions led them to believe that war is the same as watching an action movie on “MBC” or “MAX” where everything is resolved and forgotten by the end of the movie.

I would like to add that, those who have lived through and experienced war for many years believe in the saying of philosopher Gorgias: “Experience is the source of knowledge” because they have experienced the bitter reality, not simply heard about it. Therefore, they realize it’s a painful and distal experience with no fruitful outcomes and no winner among the warring parties.

After more than a year of Sudan’s Islamist war, the citizens of the capital and other states are still going to sleep amidst the aerial bombardment launched by warplanes only to wake up to the sound of cannon shells and the crackle of Dushkas, without an ounce of happiness and reassurance to cushion them through the night. Perhaps they couldn’t sleep to begin with due to the paralyzing fear and terror the aircrafts of the leadership of the Islamic Front regime evokes in their hearts.

The majority of those who blew the trumpets of war early on, including Politicians, Activists, and “bank transfer” Journalists, had no previous experience with war and had never felt the pain and grief that comes with losing a close family member, whether youth or children in the war. Therefore, they played the strings to ignite strife while their children slept on high-rise buildings in Türkiye, Egypt, and Malaysia.

The war of financial capabilities has been waged for more than (50) years by a force that had complete control over wealth, power and possesses all the tools of war to burn anyone who dares to disagree with them. They burned the South and not an inch of land in the South was spared from the oppression and torture.

This scenario was then replicated in different regions of Sudan. When will the “Ruwaybiḍahs” of the Islamic Front, who control the State’s capitalist companies and institutions, realize that the Sudan of yesterday is not the Sudan of today? Positions and opinions have changed drastically. Therefore, these delusional people must abandon their defunct ideologies. That stage is outdated and doesn’t align with the requirements of the current stage.

The leaders of the Sudanese Islamist Army and their allies continued to live on dreams and fantasies, expecting to be able to achieve military decisiveness, rejecting all regional and international initiatives in the mean time with rather nonsensical arguments.
Following their crushing defeat and ridiculous farce of the Army and its allies in the battles of Umm Ba’ar, Aruri, and Karnawi in North Darfur, the leadership of the Islamist Army must make a brave decision and go to Jeddah, to save face as well as the remaining soldiers they have in the region of Darfur.

After the battles of Umm Ba’ar, Aruri, and Karnawi, Jeddah suits you. Go, otherwise you will continue to be a laughing stock to others.

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