Invisible victories..!!

Ali Ahmed

With the Republic of South Sudan announcing that it had received members of the Sudanese Army who had previously fled the Battle of Al-Meiram, last week, and crossed the border, after the Rapid Support Forces seized control of the military base in the region containing the largest oil fields in Sudan, the debate has been largely resolved regarding the Sudanese Army’s ability to continue the war.

The Commander of the South Sudan People’s Defense Forces (SSPDF), Major General Anqun Anqum, shared in press statements yesterday that he informed what he called the withdrawing (i.e. fleeing) forces that their members would be treated as refugees until further directives are received from the General Command of the South Sudan People’s Defense Forces.

However, this isn’t the first time the Army has chosen to flee the battlefields to another country altogether. A similar scenario took place last year when a large -fully equipped- force fled the battles of Darfur and chose to deal with the Chadian Army.

It saddens me greatly that an extremist and numbered political faction has manipulated, for 30 years, one of the oldest and most powerful armies in Africa and brought destruction upon it in such horrific, humiliating and degrading manner.

Al-Kizan have insulted the Army and the people as well, an unprecedented insult. When the Army flees, what remains of the People’s dignity, values and ideals ? And when they are displaced and scattered in every valley, what is the meaning of homeland ?!

The Sudanese Army has already lost the entirety of its battles with the Rapid Support Forces, which now control approximately all of Sudan except for a few states that can be counted on the fingers of one hand, most of which are under siege, completely surrounded by the Rapid Support Forces, and with a mere signal these states can crumble and fall in an instant.

Al-Burhan has managed to dishonor the Sudanese Army, demolishing its pride and dignity in the process, when he accepted a cheap pledge of allegiance once again to the Muslim Brotherhood (Al-Kizan) to fight on their behalf in order to reinstate them in power.

He is well aware that most of the State budget is in the Army’s possession, and goes into the pockets of its senior leaders along with some arms and supply brokers from Al-Kizan and others. They don’t buy weapons or supplies with the State’s budget, but rather palaces in Türkiye and Malaysia and luxurious villas in the most prestigious neighborhoods of Cairo, Egypt, in addition to purchasing luxury cars, yachts, as well as accumulating millions and billions of dollars in bank accounts, while the Sudanese soldier suffers from hunger and malnutrition, his salary isn’t even sufficient for three days of the month. Therefore, he ends up wearing rags on a thin body that garners sympathy from everyone who lays eyes on them.

Why wouldn’t these poor, hungry soldiers who doesn’t seem to possess clothing, or ammunition escape, when they see their war leaders boarding helicopters, traveling from country to another, and fleeing from the General Command headquarters in Khartoum to Port Sudan on the Red Sea coast, in order to facilitate their escape in the imminent end!

Why wouldn’t they flee when they see their colleagues dying in nihilistic and pointless battles, not knowing why they are fighting and for whom ? How could they not flee when they can clearly see how Al-Bara’ Brigade, the Special Operations Forces, the Popular Defense Forces, and the entirety of Al-Kizan militias are monopolizing money, weapons, and the narrative ?

Yes, they are monopolizing the narrative. For while the Army soldiers are fighting, members of these brigades are addressing the people, taking pictures and video clips, and claiming they are the ones going into battles and fighting, in addition they describe the Army soldiers in the most horrific terms. Which is rather sad and unfortunate.

The Army has yet to achieve any victories that we can attest to, and Al-Burhan was telling the truth while speaking to “Al Jazeera” Qatari channel and the media delegation of the remnants, stating that the Army is achieving (invisible) victories. Indeed, no one can see or hear about these victories except on the social media sites and pages of the remnants, Blabsa, and Al-Kizan.

Which ultimately pegs the question we have often stated previously: Al-Burhan, is reinstating Al-Kizan in their previous positions of power, ruling over the country worth the hefty price tag ? Is it worth subjugating and humiliating your soldiers, to such an extent they would willingly hand over their weapons to border guards in neighboring countries ?

Is it worth the displacement of the Sudanese people, locally and internationally, figuratively (trampling) on their dignity and rubbing their noses on the ground ? What a hefty price to pay! A price that may lead to the division of Sudan into warring mini-states that possess no power or strength.

Your “Kizan” won’t find a State or people to rule, therefore, heed the advice, go to negotiations, and declare an end to the war in order to preserve this country, otherwise neither history nor the present will show mercy where you are concerned.

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