Al-Burhan and the victories of Platforms!!

Ali Ahmed

The Commander-in-Chief of the Sudanese Army, Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, in one of his repetitive and disgusting speeches, as he was addressing -the day before yesterday- the officers and soldiers of the “Wadi Seidna” Air Base, he declared his rejection of any efforts to negotiate peace., neither with Rapid Support Forces nor with the Coordination-body of the Democratic and Civil Forces “TAGADOM”, as he considers the latter to be in support of the “RSF” in an implied and implicit manner, which is ironically similar to what his “Kizan” keep repeating!

The man, who lost everything, has been repeating since the war broke out, with extreme foolishness and misjudgment of the field and political situations, that he intends to continue with this losing war.

He says this at a time when the United Nations is warning of an imminent and unprecedented Famine that will painfully affect more than half of Sudan’s population and put the rest on the verge of destruction.

At a time when the Rapid Support Forces established a stronghold in Central and Southeastern Sudan, where there are major agricultural -irrigated and rainwater- projects (Al-Jazeera, Al-Dali and Al-Mazmoum), while heading towards El-Gedaref and Ad-Damazin, in addition to them having a presence near Shendi!

As if the prestige of the Armed Forces was still being verified, the imbecile liar, disconnected from reality, stated that he wouldn’t submit to any blackmail through negotiations that would take away the prestige and will of the Armed Forces and wouldn’t meet the aspirations of the people. Which begs the question: where is this prestige of the Army he keeps harping about ? An army that wasn’t able to achieve a single victory during a war that has been going on for more than a year now.

An Army whose leader flees from the country’s capital in defeat to the farthest city in Eastern Sudan on the coast of the Red Sea, so that he can secure himself and ensure that his opponent can’t reach him. He suffers one defeat after another, the last of which was in “Jebel Moya” and Singa.

As for the will of the people, who flee after their Army whenever they see it happen. They are running terrified from one city, from one village to another, from one country to another. They are for peace, stopping war, and negotiations. As for those loud voices that raise the slogan of “Military Decisiveness – Bal bas” and this stupid chanter thinks they express the will of the people. Rather, they are the voices of the people who are strangling the innocent and imposing their will on them. They place him under significant pressure and threats.

In less than a week, the man lost numerous cities and towns, the most important of which were Sinja (South-east) and Al-Fula (West Kordofan). His forces began fleeing their camps, leaving behind weapons that the citizens collected and kept in warehouses until some of the young Rapid Support fighters arrived to recover them. Al-Burhan still doesn’t know that the Army is in shambles and may cease to exist in the near future, nor does he know that the largest supplier of weapons to the Rapid Support Forces is this Army itself!

We must excuse this (captive) of a leader. For he doesn’t have the right to decide. The man cannot escape the grip of “Al-Kizan.” When they felt that he might choose to negotiate with the Rapid Support Forces after being defeated numerous times, they launched a fierce media campaign against him, utilizing their rabid dogs on social media, they demanded that he be replaced or killed, accusing him of conspiring, of being indifference and cowardly. Hence, he relented, giving them the statement they wanted in order to please them, because negotiations means eliminating this corrupt, vile organization forever. Perhaps it means the same for Al-Burhan himself, therefore they have no choice but to fight, even if that entails the imminent death of the Sudanese people.

These innocent lives mean absolutely nothing to them, and this is exactly what he stated in his aforementioned speech: “Even if we lost people, the Sudanese population is vast.” He simply wishes to eliminate the entirety of the population for the sake of a dilapidated chair “position” that he will share with his Kizan!

Al-Burhan has been threatening to continue the war for a long time. He kept spouting threats while he was defeated, as the Rapid Support Forces took control of practically two-thirds of Sudan and placed the last third in its crosshairs.

Since the beginning of the war, he has threatened to use what he called “the deadly force”, from which the people have only seen successive defeats and a continuous pattern of fleeing the battlefield. Is that even reasonable ?

For God’s sake, isn’t this man afflicted with madness ? How can a leader lose in less than a week more than (5) cities and towns from the West to the East (Al-Fula, Al-Meiram, Jebel Moya, Singa, Al-Mazmoum and Dinder), along with their Military Divisions, Brigades, and Garrisons ?

Simultaneously, other cities were under siege, enabling the Rapid Support Forces to overrun them within hours: (Al-Fasher, Sennar, El-Manaqil, Rabak, Kosti, Ed Dueim, Kenana, El-Gedaref and Shendi). Al-Burhan still maintains he lost one battle, stating: “We may have lost a battle, but we haven’t lost the war.” What loss of war is worse than what is currently taking place ?!

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