“Al-Najumi” arrives in Cairo

Without getting upset...

Abdul Hafeez Maryoud

Abdul Rahman Al-Najumi wrote a short letter to General Gordon Pasha: “from the Commander of the Mahdist armies to Gordon.” He wasn’t even thirty years old at the time. General Gordon -of course- will underestimate the Dervish Bedouin. But Al-Najumi was drawing up a plan to seize control of Khartoum, while he was camping in Al-Shajara, south of Khartoum, storming it, at dawn, following the “night of Hamdan Abu Anja,” who was camping in “Khor Abu Anja,” in Omdurman. He spent that night, attacking Khartoum with artillery, which he had seized from previous battles in Kordofan.

Do you see ?

If you wish to control the city of Ad-Damazin…what do you do ? Taking into account the current situation in the war between the Rapid Support Forces and the remnants of “Sudan Defense Force, Al-Bara’ Brigades, Musaylima, Salah Gosh’s Security Service, the Police as well as Mobilized forces.” What’s the plan ? What is the military importance of Ad-Damazin ?

Here, you are faced with the ideologies of two minds: the mind of Abdul Rahman Al-Najumi, and the mind of General Gordon Pasha.

As for Gordon, he will build a precise plan of attack, according to the military studies he acquired from the most prestigious military schools. Utilizing Artillery, supporting aviation, a combat box and chain of command for receiving and executing orders. Which leaves the “Lance Corporal” tied up, waiting for instructions.

There is a time frame according to which Ad-Damazin will be in Gordon’s control. But Al-Najumi will choose another path. Ad-Damazin will be under Al-Najumi’s control in a quarter of the time that Gordon assumed, at the lowest possible cost, with a tenth of the power that Gordon needs.


I will explain …

But before that, you may ask: Who put into your mind, and the minds of others -of course- that Khalifa Abdullahi Alta’ayshi was the one to send Abd al-Rahman al-Najumi and his army -the majority of which were from the northern region- to Egypt, to effectively dispose of them ? If you were a sensible person, seeking the truth, you would go back and read the book “My Life” by Sheikh Babiker Badri, the founder of Ahfad University.

Babakir Badri is from the Rubatab tribe, he fled with his family when he was young, to the city of “Rifa’ah.” Babakir Badri was one of Al-Najumi’s soldiers. He stated that the one who prepared Al-Najumi’s mission to Egypt was the Mahdi himself. He even went out with the Army as far as the Kerreri mountains to bid them farewell. After giving a powerful speech, he went back. Why would you believe the word of the “Khawajat” over Babiker Badri ? Because you like what they had to say better.

You would also like to believe that “Al-Bishi” and “Kikel” are merely “mercenaries” paid by the Emirates to assist in building the kingdom of Al Dagalo in Sudan. But both men, are leading an army that has nothing to do with the tribe, rather they’re achieving something amazing:

They’re occupying “Jebel Moya”. The Army mobilizes its forces in Sennar so that it doesn’t fall. From Sinnar, the Army attempts to regain control of the “Jebel Moya” region, but fails miserably. The Army repeats the attempt, mobilizing more forces in Sennar. They -“Al-Bishi” and “Kikel”- forge a path to Singa, the capital of the state, liberate it, and with it -of course- the Division’s headquarters… The Army leaders then proceed to avert their eyes…

Only, if the Army attempted to regain control of Singa, Sennar would fall. If they remained fortifying Sennar, the two men would storm Ad-Damazin, and their forces would sweep the Blue Nile state as well. Currently, Sennar is under siege, El-Manaqil and Singa are inaccessible, Ad-Damazin is just around the corner, Rabak and Kusti are virtually trembling…

The situation is extremely Gordonian…

Do you see ?

However, all of this indicates that you believe what you want… and what you want is for the Army to reclaim “Jebel Moya”, Singa, and to arrest” Al-Bishi’ and “Kikel”, then take them away humiliated, in front of the cameras, amidst applause and shouts of “Tahleel and Takbir” from Al-Bara’ ibn Ubayy ibn Salūl Bridge members.

While your dream run vast, the villages and cities east of the Blue Nile state are under the control of “Al-Bishi” and “Kikel”, “Dinder” and others as well… while Ad-Damazin is reeling. This is simply because Gordon -anywhere and everywhere- boasted about his exceptional military studies, knowledge, Medals, courses and references. He won’t admit that Wad Al-Najumi will take Khartoum from him by force, just as he took Al-Obeid and Bara, and won battles -prior- in “Sheikan” and some villages.

The moral of the story is, you are standing in the face of change that exceeds your capabilities. Similar to building Al-Sharif Marabie’ in the course of a torrent, and fully expecting it to resist the current, when it took people by surprise while they were asleep at night. Afew frightening bits of news spread; that a “demographic change” is the actual purpose.

If it was the will of God and His historical laws that required demographic change, all your efforts wouldn’t stand in the way of it. The social and political history of Sudan tells you that, let alone the distant dates of what Hassan Al-Turabi calls “the great displacements.” It’s rather foolish to think you can stop it.

Do you see ?

You suffer from your bitter pain, your desire for revenge, to discipline the “Janjaweed,” who have no connection to “Sudanese morals.” Hurt, you dream of revenge. And because you lost almost everything, you keep your “Armed Forces” at your back…

Well then…

During the days of the December Revolution, I heard young people saying: (If the Professionals Association had ordered us to pray to the west, we would have prayed to the west)… and other blasphemous statements… Now there are those who say: (If there was one boot left in the Army, we wouldn’t abandon the Army… We will stand with that sole boot). There is nothing more foolish than such statements and such a person. You stand behind a boot, even without a soldier wearing it?!

Oh Lord !

Is your horizon so narrow that a military boot is enough ? Don’t you know how to think outside of the khakis ?

You got it…

But when Al-Najumi arrives in Dongola, he writes to Khalifa Abdullahi Alta’ayshi that: (People are coming from the regions of Dongola asking for allegiance and permission to march with us…and since we weren’t authorized to do so, I decided to stop and write to you, to inquire about your orders)… Khalifa Abdullahi Alta’ayshi sends back a letter granting him permission… Al-Najumi then receives the pledges of allegiance and grants those who wish to join him permission to do so.

It may surprise you that, armies are joining “Kikel” and “Al-Bishi” in the Blue Nile state, and you thought those armies are on your side. You might also be surprised to learn that the same scenario is taking place in the Nuba Mountains, in Kassala, in El-Gedaref… and of course in the River Nile as well as the Northern state… so don’t be surprised. Stay normal.

Do you see ?

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