Al-Kizan War… The guillotine of hunger !

Moneim Suleiman

Over the weekend, the United Nations issued a horrific and painfully tragic report under the title: (Sudan Is Experiencing Its Worst Hunger Levels on Record), which stated that: After (14) months of war, more than half of the Sudanese population (25.6 million) are facing the worst levels of acute food insecurity or even worse conditions.

This means, quite frankly, that Famine is the new reality that is capable of taking the lives of the war survivors, who managed to live through the guns of human hunters, the murderers and mercenaries around them, as well as Armed Movements, Jihadist militias and Blabsa.

According to the issued report, the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC), which was prepared with the participation of various specialized UN Humanitarian Agencies, indicated that the period from July, 2024 -this month- to the upcoming September, 2024 will bear witness to the worst humanitarian conditions, as (755) thousand people in (10) states, including the five states of Darfur, South and North Kordofan, Blue Nile, Al-Jazeera and Khartoum.

The levels of Catastrophe or Famine are the last phase of the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification. And (8.5) million others, equivalent to (18%) of Sudan’s population, face a state of Emergency, which is the fourth phase of the classification.

May God be help the oppressed Sudanese citizen, who was pressured and forced into a war he wanted no part of. The Army placed about forty-odd million people on the edge of their graves when Ali Karti and his Islamic Movement, the remnants of the former regime, the extremists, Islamic terrorists, and “ISIS” ignited the war.

An Army whose Commander-in-Chief admitted -on multiple occasions- to his weakness, humiliation, limited human abilities and material capacity, as well as to the inability of his leadership to fulfill the simplest requirements of soldiers, including providing salaries and other things. This became clear during this war, as he continued to face successive defeats and lose new territories every day, while his leaders remained arrogant and insisted on continuing their stupid war.

This international report revealed the extent to which Al-Kizan and their Military and Security Service had fallen morally and ethically. They hindered any efforts to stop the war, prevented the arrival of humanitarian aid to those affected, and prevented saving numerous lives from death.

They did not stop at that, but rather stole what little humanitarian aid that made it through and sold it in the local markets. This is by no means a secret, as the markets of Port Sudan and eastern Sudan in general, as well as the River Nile and Northern states, bear witness to this, where stolen relief goods and foodstuffs are blatantly displayed.

The leaders of Al-Kizan militias and mercenary Armed Movements obtain the lion’s share of this stolen goods, and perhaps making their money this way and eating the food meant for those who need it, are the reason for their constant pattern of being defeated by their opponents and fleeing in terror whenever a passing (motorcycle) comes into view.

Now, Sudanese citizens die either of hunger or by bullets. Whoever dies by the latter is relieved because he wasn’t subjected to torture, and may God have mercy on his soul. As for Famine, it kills you slowly. It kills you while you see your death dancing before you like a frightening phantom. You die watching those who started the war live and how they keep themselves, their children, and their families secure, and wonder: Where are the families of Al-Burhan, Al-Kabbashi, Al-Atta, Jaber, Gibril, Karti, Osama Abdullah, Salah Gosh, Almusbah and others ? Where are the families of “Al-Blabsa” ?

Rather, you wonder where, and why we didn’t see a single member of the families of Al-Kizan and the senior military personnel (the four officers) in the battlefield, especially since they described it as the “War of Dignity” and said it was Jihad for the sake of God ? Hence, how could they deprive their families of the virtue of jihad and the joy of martyrdom?

These criminal murderers bear on earth and in heaven the burden of every drop of blood that was shed, every soul that was lost, every stomach that was starved, every mind that went mad, and every heart that stopped beating.

This tragic report, (the report of death) by hunger, and the reports that preceded telling similar stories, in addition to witnessing with our own eyes what the displaced and refugees are suffering through in terms of mistreatment, death in deserts and forests, and fading to death as a result of excessive sadness and extreme heartbreak. All of the above didn’t deter the defeated Army generals and leaders.

They were defeated, but they refrained from ending the war through negotiation. The defeat didn’t prevent them from stealing aid and hindering its delivery to those who deserve it.

May God have mercy on the Sudanese people inside Sudan and protect them, for they are hungry and sad, crying out for your grace and mercy.

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