The Army destroys “Al-Halfaya” Bridge

On Sunday evening, the Sudanese Armed Forces bombed “Al-Halfaya” Bridge, that links the northern parts of Khartoum Bahri and Omdurman.

The bombing led to the complete destruction of the bridge from the eastern side. In similar acts of destruction to the bombing of “Shambat” Bridge and “Al-Jili” Oil Refinery, as part of the premeditated destruction practiced by the Army that affected vital infrastructure across the country during the recent period.

Eyewitnesses told “Assayha” that a large explosion occurred on Sunday night at “Al-Halfaya” Bridge, and they saw intense fires ignite in the area.

The Army has likely used foreign mercenaries to implement their plan to destroy “Al-Halfaya” Bridge. An aerial attack was previously carried out by a force of foreign mercenaries to destroy the “Shambat” Bridge.

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