The Battle of Singa… “RSF” writing history and epics
Ibrahim Matar

While the Commander-in-Chief of Ali Karti and Sana Hamad’s Army, Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, was trying -in vain- to make the task easier for members of the media rooms affiliated with the ousted regime’s holdouts to spout more lies, through paying a visit to the city of Sennar, in which he reinforced the illusion of the imminent “Time of Military Decisiveness.”
The heroes of the Rapid Support Forces made a detour for the Sennar axis, then entered the city of Singa, the capital of the state, and seized control of the Seventeenth Infantry Division’s headquarters as well as the Government Secretariat Headquarters, in an epic that will be documented in history, as conclusive evidence of the skill and valor of these brave “RSF” soldiers, whose hands weren’t trembling and whose hearts believes in the inevitability of salvation.
At the beginning of the April 15th war, which was treacherously ignited by the ousted regime’s holdouts, the Commander of the Rapid Support Forces stated: “We will show them what they have never studied in their Military Academies.” Time passed, lending truth to what the man had previously stated, what he promised and fulfilled. Al-Kizani Army was annihilated at the hands of the Rapid Support Forces valiant soldiers “Ashaws”. The garrisons as well as the Military sectors keep falling like “domino pieces” under their feet, as they march, with blatantly declared goals and objectives, to break the Brotherhood of Satan’s rifle as well as uproot them once and for all from the land of Sudan.
However, the Islamic Movement didn’t benefit from its misleading media rooms, nor from the attempts to demonize the political forces active in opposing their attempt to return to power by force and on the backs of Sudanese.
Not even their ethnic and racial crimes succeed in turning the battle into an outright civil war, despite them pushing heavily towards achieving that goal. The aerial bombardment of civilians under the alleged social nurturing environment slander in Kordofan and Darfur didn’t help their case much, as well as targeting facilities and infrastructure, including bridges and hospitals in the heart of Khartoum.
The Brotherhood wasn’t satisfied with eating livers, slaughtering people, mutilating corpses, and trying to stir up hatred among the various social components of the people of Sudan. They weren’t able to achieve their goal by buying loyalties from the mercenary Armed Movements. Their “Al-Bara” Brigades wasn’t successful in its attempts to make a difference in the military balance.
There was no significant impact to the deployment of Special Action Forces, which specialized in slaughtering women and civilians in their homes under the pretext of cooperation with the Rapid Support Forces, nor did targeting activists -who put forth efforts to make a difference in facilitating the means of life for those in need- unreasonably arresting, torturing, and killing them inside the Nilitary Intelligence headquarters with no justification other than their assistance to those trapped in their neighborhoods as a result of the clashes. “They had nothing against them except that they provided food and sought to fulfill people’s needs.”
In its war with the Rapid Support Forces – which adopted the December slogans in word and deed, the Islamic Movement didn’t benefit fromthe constant shouting, mentioning violations that are necessary in all wars, or seeking the help of the “Falanqayat,” who were rejected by their communities after despairing of them possesing any benefit or value.
Hence they began searching for something that would bolster their image in the eyes of the enemies of their own people, the scoundrels of the Islamic Movement, which has always celebrated the scoundrels and the outcast, who only harm those related to them by kinship and blood, those who happen to trust them.
They offer the flesh of their relatives as offerings to the demons of the Movement that keeps its children safe in Türkiye, and celebrates those who provide the coordinates of their mother’s home in Al-Fula. So that Ahmed Haroun’s aircrafts would strike it with explosive barrels to please the Angels of Hell, as did “Ahmed Suleiman,” who lives in France, and calls himself an engineer, when he said: “Bomb my mother’s house with explosive barrels so that you can defeat the Rapid Support Forces!” Exhibiting enough disobedience that necessarily leads to destruction, not to mention the mere disgrace and shame, from a God who commanded honoring one’s parents.
The Rapid Support Forces progress is proceeding to achieve goals, supported by the honorable Sudanese people, the displaced persons, the wounded, the victims of aerial bombardment and identity-based killings at the Army’s military checkpoints, and the prayers of the mothers who lost their children in the accursed Brotherhood war, just to rise again to power, even if it would be on the skulls and corpses of loved ones, whose smiles used to illuminate the space, and their laughter used to comfort the loneliness of their comrades on the long and harsh path of struggle.
Victory to the Rapid Support Forces and the masses of our people, and shame and disgrace be on the cowards and criminals, whose end the Rapid Support is writing one day after another.