For whom do you play the flutes of deceit, Gibril ?
Ali Ahmed

Gibril Ibrahim, Al-Burhan’s Minister of Finance, made an astonishing statement the day before yesterday. The undignified “Kuz” who wasted his brother’s blood; damn him, said in a televised address in “Port-Kizan”: (The Sudanese people were displaced, humiliated, and you have yet to see their state of dying at the borders, dying in Egypt, begging people, families that were once rich and well-off are now extending their hands to others seeking help. It’s a rather severely humiliating situation for the Sudanese citizen. It’s time for us to join hands, end this war and restore the country to its normal state, for this country holds great potential).
Who are you addressing and who are you attempting to deceive, Gibril ? You are one of those responsible for igniting the wars in Sudan since your rebellion against your Brotherhood group in 2000, on ethnic (Populist) grounds. You and your brother Khalil, who was killed by your organization in 2011, went to fight your Party.
However, the Sudanese people overthrew your brother’s killers on a later date, so you returned to the country on their backs and became the “Minister of Finance.” But since then, you kicked the people and turned your back on them. Treachery is in your nature, and it runs through your veins. How can someone who betrayed his own brother’s blood not betray his people?!
So you sided with Al-Burhan, the killer of your people in Darfur, against this good and generous people of this land and supported his coup on the 25th of October 2021. Then -along with him- you went on to ignite the current war, and were the Minister of Finance throughout. So why only you?!
Your appointment and the subsequent insistence on keeping you as the Minister of Finance following the infamous Juba Peace Agreement brought you in October 2020, until now, has been a matter that causes not only astonishment and surprise, but also raises serious questions. Everyone knows that Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan and his Brotherhood organization did this so you would fight alongside him in Darfur, but it has been practically proven in this war that you don’t hold any power on the ground to fight.
Despite it all, you are the Minister of (Peace/Juba) during the Revolutionary Government period, the Minister of the coup (October 25th, 2021) and the Minister of War (April 15th, 2023), regardless of your weak capabilities, your abject and blatant failure, as well as your corruption, the smell of which has become foul enough to offended people.
Yet, you are still holding on to your position, no one can remove you from it, and you won’t give it up, because you are corrupt, a thief, a plunderer of the State budget and its meager resources of gold along with other things, sharing its revenues with your masters Al-Burhan and Mirghani Idris, which is well-known enough. And then you dare to speak on the suffering of the Sudanese people when you are one of the causes of such suffering – how pitiful and pathetic you are.
Among the Sudanese population, who doesn’t know that you -Gibril- conspired against the Transitional Civilian Government and contributed effectively to the ominous coup of October 25th, 2021 ? And who doesn’t know that you are the one who stole and facilitated the theft -by Army leaders- of the currency reserves that the Civilian Government left in the Central Bank, which exceeds a billion and a half dollars ?
You stated to “Al-Hadath” channel immediately after the coup, in response to the presenter’s question about the sources of income of your coup government after the economic program was stopped: “The gates of heaven are open.” So who –O! Minister of Negligence, Blood and Death– has now closed the gates of heaven in your face, leading you to complain about your poor situation to the bricks of the earth ? Who made you realize that God is true, war is destruction and that violence is not the answer ? Or have you, O! corrupt traitor, “embezzled” all sources of currency and want to escape unscathed, but where is the refuge ?
The witness -gentlemen- is that Gibril Ibrahim has another (parallel) Ministry of Finance run by his corrupt thief cousin “Bushara Suliman”, from a private office that works to clear any debt owed by any merchant or businessman to the Ministry of Finance and grants any tender in exchange for a commission of no less than (10%) of the amount, which increases or decreases according to the debt amount.
Gibril, in coordination with his thief of a cousin, steal the relief donated by various countries for the benefit of citizens affected by the war (the displaced persons), and sell it in the markets through a network of corrupt merchants!
What you talked about, Gibril, which you referred to as the humiliation, begging, death, asylum and displacement of Sudanese citizens, simply means that they have lost their dignity because of your war, that you have taken to calling “the War of Dignity”, and here you are admitting, you cowardly scoundrel, that it is a war “of violating dignity”.
We condemn you -by your own words- and people will use them to judge you very soon, so take your time, no need to rush.