The “EU” is pursuing Islamist leaders

and imposing sanctions on the Air Force

Today, the European Union imposed new sanctions on Sudanese figures working to destabilize and hinder the political transition in Sudan, according to the “EU”. These sanctions included three figures affiliated with the former regime and the Sudanese Army.

The sanctions imposed a freeze on assets and a ban on providing funds or economic resources to them, whether directly or indirectly. In addition, the “EU” imposed a travel ban on these figures within the European Union.

The European Union sanctions imposed on the Army included Lt. Gen. Mirghani Idris, Director General of the Defense Industries System “Military Industrialization” in addition to the Commander of the Sudanese Air Forces, Al-Tahir Mohammed Al-Awad Al-Amin and Ali Ahmed Karti Mohammed, President of the Islamic Movement.

The “EU” pointed out that Al-Tahir Mohammed Al-Awad Al-Amin and the Director General of the Defense Industries System were subjected to sanctions due to their responsibility for the indiscriminate aerial bombardment of crowded residential areas since the beginning of the conflict.

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