Ardol the Alarmist, creating tribal strife and paying for morale…?

Al-Basha Tibeaq

The “Ardol” phenomenon needs to be studied and contemplated because this sick personality is accustomed to lying and playing the role of “Alarmist” among the people as well as societies, relaying lies and sowing discord and sedition. He played this exact role among the leaders of the People’s Liberation Movement led by the late John Garang and caused numerous disputes and divisions within the Movement.

Ardol assumed this role until he caused the split of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North between “Al-Hilu” and “Agar” as well as between “Agar” and “Arman”. His fatal alarmist ways accelerated his rise through the ranks until he assumed the position of Director General of the Sudanese Mineral Resources Company in Sudan following the December Revolution. He assumed this position in order to buy consciences as well as create empires and alliances.

There was a plan and illusion of Lt. Gen. Shams al-Din Al-Kabbashi becoming the president of Sudan and calling him “the General”. For this purpose, Lt. Gen. Mufaddal, director of the Intelligence Service, Lt. Gen. Sabir, head of the Military Intelligence Service, as well as the mercenary Minni Arcua Minnawi, were bought with a handful of dollars to strengthen Al-Kabbashi’s corner.

Additionally, an ethnic alliance was made between the “Shawayga” in the north and the “Nuba” in South Kordofan to change the geopolitical map in Sudan. And under the guidance of Al-Kabbashi and Salah Gosh, who signed an agreement in Cairo and in the presence of Emir Abdul-Qadir Monim Mansour, Emir of the Hamar, Ardol was able to sow tribal strife between the “Nuba” and “Beni-Amer” in Kassala, Port Sudan and Atbara, aiming to showcase the “Nuba” tribe’s strength and exaggerate their numbers so as to inform everyone of their insurmountable numbers.

The efforts and plans of Ardol and Al-Kabbashi, in coordination with some racists in the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North, carried out the attack on the city of “Lagawa” on a racial and regional grounds. In implementation of this vile scheme, the militia Brig. Gen. Kafi “Aviation” as well as Maj. Gao were aided in training a number of “Nuba” and “Daju” people to target the Arab tribes of the “Hawazma” and “Messiria” in Kadugli, Dilling and Lagawa.

In coordination with Al-Kabbashi, Ardol financed the racist protest of the “Nuba” people in Khartoum, and it was secured until it reached the Presidential Palace, even though, in comparison, the revolution’s demonstrators were prevented from reaching the Presidential Palace.
Ardol and Al-Kabbashi ignited strife between the “Hamar” and “Messiria” in the state of West Kordofan, and Ardol paid the sum of (30) billion Sudanese pounds to Emir Abdul-Qadir Monim, to buy weapons to fight the “Messiria” tribe.

Ardol formed media rooms of members of the “Nuba” and “Hamar” tribes to further fuel the conflict between the “Messiria” and “Hamar” people, and issued statements from both parties -“Hamar” and “Nuba”- confirming the border between “Dar Hamar” and “Nuba” regions, alluding to the claim that the “Messiria” tribe has no presence or lands between them.

All these heinous and vile deeds were carried out by Mubarak Ardol in coordination with Al-Kabbashi, Salah Gosh, and the so-called sons of Gosh within the Intelligence Service as well as Al-Kabbashi’s ’s people within the Military Intelligence.

The entirety of these efforts are funded by the Sudanese Mineral Resources Company, the Sudanese people’s money, which is supposed to be spent on development, paving roads, building hospitals, schools, and digging water wells. Instead, it’s utilized in sowing tribal strife and buying consciences. What is this corruption ? and what mafia was controlling the resources of the Sudanese State.?

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