Khaled Omar renews accusations against

defunct regime of igniting the April War

Khaled Omar Youssef, a leader within the Sudanese Congress Party and “TAGADOM” Coordination, stated that the April War was a planned act by elements of the defunct regime. He added that the former regime took advantage of the state of division within the military institution and its involvement in politics to ignite the war.

Youssef went on to explain that the Forces of Freedom and Change “FFC” sought to stop the war and on the 10th of April 2023, they asked the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to mediate between the two generals to aid in defusing the situation, but the war instigators hindered any efforts in that regard, he stated: “The National Congress Party ignited the war in order to bury the revolution, and we won’t allow it to achieve its goals.”

On the “X” platform, Khaled Omar Youssef described the elements of the defunct regime as the ultimate evil, and shared: “Al-Kizan are pure evil, and we have experienced them for (30) years until they started the war. Hence, we must put aside the weapons and move towards a peaceful, and negotiated solution.”

He accused the warmongers of being “criminals and cowards, who are deathly afraid of taking responsibility for their criminal choices, and seek to cover them up with lies.”

Youssef attached a video clip to his post that explained the Civilian Forces’ position of rejection and warning of the imminent collapse of the State if war broke out, versus leaders affiliated with the former regime, calling for war. He stated: “Al-Kizan are liars and cowards who wouldn’t be able to defend their war project.”

Youssef also claimed that some of the Armed Movements are conspiring against peace in Darfur and betraying the revolution with the October 25th Coup.

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