The Bahri Thermal Power Station bombed by the Army

The Rapid Support Forces stated that the Armed Forces bombed the Bahri Thermal Power Station, announcing that the entire Station went up in flames.

The Rapid Support Forces described the bombing of the Bahri Thermal Power Station as a criminal act that contravenes International Laws and Conventions as well as the customs and ethics of war.

Today, the Rapid Support Forces went on to explain in a statement on the “X” platform that the bombing of the Bahri Thermal Power Station reveals the state of utter frustration and despair experienced by what the “RSF” called Al-Burhan’s militias and the Islamic Movement Brigades due to the continuous defeats they suffered on all fronts.

It considered the Army’s bombing of the Bahri Thermal Power Station an act of terrorism, calling on international and regional organizations to condemn what it described as the “horrific crimes” committed by the Islamic Movement brigades and their members in the Armed Forces, which aims to forcibly displace the residents and deprive them of basic and necessary services.

The Sudanese Army Forces is following the scorched earth policy, bombing service and strategic facilities under the pretext of the presence of Rapid Support Forces in those facilities.

Previously, the Sudanese Army Forces destroyed the Shambat Bridge linking the cities of Khartoum and Bahri, as well as the sole Oil Refinery in the country “Al-Jili” north of the capital, Khartoum. In addition to bombing hospitals, schools and mosques in a number of states, cities and villages across Sudan.

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