The fool of Sudan and the ambassador of “UAE”..!!
Moneim Suliman

When I listened to the speech of Ambassador “Al-Harith Idris” before the Security Council session yesterday, I felt shame and disgrace, embarrassment and personal mortification, because this man, with such pitifully weak capabilities, claims to represent Sudan in the largest international forum.
For this self-inflated hollow man lacks even the barest hint of competence. Through his speech, he revealed the ethical, moral, educational and professional deterioration that the “Muslim Brotherhood” plagued us with during their era, which is still ongoing!
This Sudanese “fool” spoke to the United Nations. He seethed and demanded that the UN Security Council condemn the fraternal country of “UAE” as a supporter of the Rapid Support Forces, even though he failed to acquire any evidence to prove such claim other than that his Kizani government found (6) Emirati passports on the battlefield.
You can imagine the misery we are experiencing: men who aren’t deterred by war, aircraft bombing, the roar of cannons, and Iranian drones from carrying their passports on the battlefield..!!
What is this foolishness, naivety, and ridiculous logic that isn’t befit even of an ignorant idle person living in dark alleys? Let alone “an ambassador” who is supposed to possess the bare minimum knowledge of diplomatic norms that require presenting ideas and accusations rationally and logically, without shouting, faulty logic and weak arguments -all of which he did- which shamed us greatly, especially when he claimed, while addressing the session chairman, that he had deposited the alleged passports in his trust and demanded the latter to display them and condemn the “UAE”, as if the UN Security Council was a miserable Port Sudan television, collecting images from surveillance cameras and displaying them to viewers as evidence of Hemedti’s coup..!
That is okay, however, displaying such pathetic schemes and poor imaginations on reputable and prestigious international halls and platforms is not okay – and What a disgrace we are in the eyes of the world!
This imbecile of a man, caused a major catastrophe. For he rejected the humanitarian aid provided by the “UAE” under the pretext that Sudan is by far richer -so he said, by God- and the members of the Council must have been alternating between gaping and suppressing their laughter when they heard this indecent nonsense, before the foolish man drowned in an inch of water, when he adopted the doctrine of the vulgar, the demagogues, the vermin and the commoners -and he is one of them without the slightest doubt- repeating their favorite funeral anthem, that Sudan built the renaissance of “UAE” simply because two Sudanese took over the administration of two municipalities at the beginning of its founding -and prior to its renaissance.
Both never claimed to be responsible for the Emirates’ advancement. Otherwise, why didn’t they apply the same actions to their homeland, Sudan? Why -since the expulsion of the colonizers by war- did Sudan suffer and continue to do so, drowning in blood, tribal fanaticism, racism, poverty and corruption, until it became the world’s mockery, laughing stock and object of “pity”?!
The “UAE” was built with the ideologies of its loyal people, their wisdom, efforts and money, it elevated with the vision of a great leader, the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, with the breadth of his horizons and the purity of his hand. He was succeeded by his children and grandchildren, and with the patience and sacrifices of their hospitable, authentic and generous people, as they brought houses of international expertise from all first world countries, in all fields and with the latest technology, science, and intellectual, cultural, and material achievements the world has witnessed, from all developed countries (and Sudan is simply not among them).
This is in a bid for truth and honesty, as they took a flower from every field and plucked a rose from every garden, to transform their country into a paradise on earth and didn’t hold back their good deeds from anyone, hence their country became an enjoyment for them and for everyone residing among them, as we can now observe clearly. A paradise on earth and a destination for all people, where (180) nationalities live and claim as their second home.
So when “Al-Harith”, whose country was destroyed in a brutal civil war, and whose warplanes are still bombing the weak infrastructure and destroying it, dares to speak to the world about his contributions to the renaissance of the Emirates, as if he were speaking to others surrounding a tea seller in one of Khartoum’s dark markets, and not an international forum where everyone is present. He knows where the Emirates is located and where the State of Al-Harith, the fool is. Does he represent a State at all? Where is it?!
I don’t wish to compare His Excellency the Emirati Ambassador to the United Nations with the foolish man of the State of Port Kizan, the representative of the ousted regime’s holdouts in the international organization, because that would be rather unfair and dishonorable.
The Emirati Ambassador, Mohammed Abu Shehab, delivered in his speech a lecture on the art of diplomacy, etiquette, civility and politics, in an eloquent, fluent and sober English language, unlike the ambassador of Port Kizan, who started spouting poor Sudanese slang, which shamed us and killed us.
The ambassador of the sisterly State of Emirates summarized his speech in four points, through which he expressed the aspirations of the Sudanese people to the point of coming across as the ambassador for Sudan, especially since he began his speech by saying that “Al-Harith” doesn’t represent Sudan, but rather represents one of the parties to the conflict, which is a fact, as the man is a delegate for Al-Kizan and Al-Burhan and has nothing to do with representing the Sudanese people.
In his speech, the Emirati ambassador called for saving the Sudanese people from the humanitarian catastrophe and the looming fantom of famine through a comprehensive ceasefire in preparation for the delivery of humanitarian aid, then going to negotiations, putting an end to the war, initiating a political process, and signing an agreement that will lead to a transitional civilian government.
Aren’t these the demands of the Sudanese people and the demands of the world as a whole, presented by the honorable Emirati ambassador, while letting the representative of the “Muslim Brotherhood” drown in his delusions and nonsense, slapping his cheeks, ripping his garments, and spouting enough lies to drown the UN Security Council? What a diplomatic disgrace and scandal into which Al-Burhan and his Kizan have plunged us.
A ray of hope remains as we aim to address the rulers and people of the fraternal United Arab Emirates, stating: Don’t hold us accountable for what the foolish among us did.