“Barka Sakin”.. the Novelist of Scoundrels! (1-2)
Ali Ahmed

There are no two-faced men left in Sudan who has yet to be uncovered, no thief yet to be exposed, no secret yet to be revealed, no scheme that hasn’t been brought to light yet and no plan that hasn’t been leaked already. Everything collapsed due to the war, and if you didn’t know, this is one of the advantages of wars. They reflect the ugliness of the present, establishing the beauty of the future when the war comes to an end, and the most beautiful deteriorations caused by wars are those revealing what is hidden behind the wall, and the best kind of demolition the war carries out begins from the depths of the individuals.
The latest collapse in this regard was the fate of “Abdulaziz Barka Sakin”, whose mask was removed by the war, along with the cheap layers he was wearing, allowing us to see his true, hideous face. The first to be surprised by his true image were the same flock that had crowned him in the past -without the slightest hint of standards- a king over their imaginary and delusional kingdom. Where in reality he is the lowest of them in stature, dwarfs them in depth, and possesses the lowest sense of integrity!
Two days ago, the “Facebook” audience was in a state of delusional shock because their writer, “Barka Sakin”, wrote a post on his account holding the Forces of Freedom and Change “FFC” and the “Janjaweed” responsible for the war and the resulting bloodshed -not Al-Kizan or Al-Burhan- and it goes without saying that what he was referring to all the civil democratic forces when saying “FFC”. As for the “Janjaweed,” of course he meant to refer to the Rapid Support Forces “RSF.” Which is okay, but those who were shocked by what “Sakin” stated aren’t.
Since when was the man on the side of the revolution and the revolutionaries? And which practical position has he adopted in the past that assured people he is a supporter and an advocate for the civil democratic rule? When was he ever subjected to any harassment by the defunct dictatorial Islamic regime? There is absolutely nothing, nothing except some conversations that he timidly tells about himself, and for which he provides no references or support other than himself.
This is in addition to granting him the opportunity to speak once or twice at a demonstration in “Paris” or “Geneva”, during which he said enough to reinforce the asylum files of his brothers, but it certainly doesn’t excuse anything else, and whoever believes words and not actions should know that the current war mufti, “Sheikh Mahran,” was the preacher in the General Command Sit-in. Also, if words were enough to create authentic impressions, the coup thief, “Ardol” would have become the “Mandela” of the revolution, but the revolutionary’s faith in the revolution is similar to faith in God; it is revered in the heart and confirmed by action.
In fact, regarding his political stance, he has none, neither a principle, not only politically-speaking but in all aspects as well. He is rather politically ignorant, intellectually shallow, naive, and socially adolescent to frightening extents, to the point that he may still believe there is a woman called “Sarah” flying an Air Force warplane, launching aerial attacks on the “Janjaweed” thieves coming from “Chad” and “Mali” and turning them into “kebab.”
One might think this naivety is due to the kindness and purity that fill the man’s chest, but that is far from the truth. In fact, I can say with certainty that he is far from being described by any human description, and in this regard, he has a story that must be told. He abandoned his wife and left the house directly after discovering that she was diagnosed with cancer, this is what the irresponsible liar did, leaving her to face the dreaded cancer alone, devouring her flesh and bones.
From what barbarian animalistic sperm did this liar who claims humanity come? Does a person with such degenerated humane values have the right to write and chronicle about the “Janjaweed”? Who are the “Janjaweed” if not those who break women and children and slaughter their dreams and hopes in this life? What did he leave for the “Janjaweed” to do in their upcoming -pitch black- days?!
Abdulaziz Barka Sakin is the only writer in this world who doesn’t belong to the group of intellectuals, and I am not saying this out of spite. Rather, because our paths crossed during sessions along with others. I was astonished by his mediocre ideas, his meager culture and literacy, as well as the superficiality of his knowledge. Which was by no means the extent of what drew my attention, but rather his frivolity and lack of balance, to the point that I told whoever asked me about him after the session, that he is a luxurious type of demagogue, the same as “Shisha Tobacco – Muʽassel” they make you sick, but there is always a type labeled “luxurious” for no other reason than that someone said it was luxurious!
Tomorrow we will continue and write about “his novalism” and his relationship with culture, the secret of his prolific production, and why he always writes about the “Janjaweed,” and who are they?!