Perdition to Al-Bara’ Away with terrorism

Thank you, KSA Ali Ahmed

When I first came across his picture, his face was turned towards the Holy House of God, holding onto its wall. He made an appearance in the way he prefers to show to “the viewers’, perhaps as if to say, “I am the greatest Mujahid,” “Almusbah Abuzaid Talha,” Commander of Al-Bara’ ibn Malik Brigade, from the National Congress Party militia that emerged from the terrorist “Muslim Brotherhood Movement” which has ruled Sudan for thirty years through a coup d’état, then launched a relentless war against it, wreaking utter havoc.

When I first saw this demented terrorist boy, who had been granted a military rank by the Commander of “Sana’ Army” visiting the House of God – I felt reassured that heaven’s justice is rather imminent, “And Allah is not ever unjust to His servants.”

When a murderer and terrorist visits the Sacred House of God – to promote himself as a Mujahid by displaying medical plasters on his back, upper shoulder, fingers and toes, with which he only deceives fools like him -but he cannot deceive Allah Almighty- the mighty and just avenger – then his fate is that of the old imposter charlatan, Brotherhood affiliate, “Al-Tayeb Al-Jidd”.

The authorities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia arrested “Almusbah”, and are now investigating him. The Kingdom’s Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Unit has sent text messages to the phone numbers of WhatsApp group members who are members of the Brigade as well as residing in the Kingdom, summoning them for investigation at the nearest headquarters of Public Security or Ministry of Interior in the areas in which they reside.

The story began when this boy withdrew from the battlefield -per usual- and claimed that he was going to the Holy Lands to perform “Umrah”, despite the fact that Jihad takes precedence over even “Hajj”, let alone “Umrah”. Then this madman didn’t adhere to the rites and rituals required for the visit, and he became involved in political gatherings and jihadist calls. As well as collecting donations and attending gatherings of jihadi chanting, as if he was in his father’s and mother’s house, not in the Sacred House of Allah, and as if he was in the State of “Port Kaizan” where deep-rooted chaos resides with no leadership or leader, and not the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, where there is order, laws and discipline, in addition to being the place where the group to which this “shameful man” belongs is classified as a Terrorist group.

The Kingdom and its rational and wise leadership will not allow this group to incite chaos in the land of the Two Holy Mosques, and will not hold other Sudanese residents than those affiliated with this terrorist brigade responsible for the crime of this foolish preacher. Therefore, the news of the arrest of this terrorist, his subsequent investigation, to remain in custody until the investigations are completed was well received amidst the Sudanese people and proved to be rather heartening. For they have long suffered from this group’s tampering with the security, capabilities, wealth and unity of their country, and now they are in the wind due to their sinful actions.

Naturally, I don’t find myself feeling sad for some of the deceived people whom we have repeatedly warned against the consequences of engaging in terrorist WhatsApp groups because they are subject to international monitoring and their activities are monitored globally. These groups are run by terrorist networks that are active in smuggling and money laundering, and this is another crime. Therefore, we won’t feel sad about the stupidity of these residents of the Kingdom who believed the actions of the terrorist Al-Bara’ Brigade are in defense of the homeland and that the waged war is a “War of Dignity,” and as long as they have chosen to walk down this path, they must report to the battlefields because there is no jihad in Jeddah’s neighborhoods and “Ghubaira” Riyadh.

Strangely, this terrorist brigade, which initially concealed the news of its leader’s arrest, and even tried to deny it, went on to threaten and menace the Kingdom and its leadership, granting them (48) hours to release him. His companions -and truly! to God we belong- who flee like mangy rats from the Rapid Support Forces’ valiant soldiers are threatening Saudi Arabia. Let us tell them their crazy, criminal boy violated the regulations and laws of the Kingdom, organizing political gatherings, collecting money, and carrying out jihadist activities. This deserves execution and not just an investigation. So why do you cry like women, for your threat to the Kingdom is in the same league as “Umm Dharbwa’s threat to America”, during the days of your rule – God’s Willing it won’t be restored.

The Sudanese citizens and those residing in the sisterly Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, support its application of its laws and regulations to those who violate it, regardless of their nationalities, color, and appearances. They have sent me numerous messages in this regard, so that I can reflect them in my writings.

What truly saddens me and breaks my heart is the persecution of the Sudanese people by Al-Kizan “terrorists” all over the world after expelling them from their country and turning it into hell. Here they are persecuting them internationally, committing violations in Saudi Arabia and holding parties of lewdness, promiscuity and obscenity in Türkiye and Egypt, fabricating problems and crises in order to turn their lives into hell even in the diaspora, this is what the runaway boy of Al-Bara’ wanted to do to the Sudanese residents of the Kingdom, and how impossible! because the Kingdom’s government doesn’t hold everyone responsible for the crimes of some.

Perdition to Al-Bara’…
Away with terrorism..
Thank you, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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