“Al-Tahir Hajar” and “Abdul Wahid”

forces on a special mission in El-Fasher

The Sudan Liberation Forces Alliance “SLFA”, headed by Al-Tahir Hajar, and the Sudan Liberation Movement “SLM”, led by Abdul Wahid Nour, entered the fray of the escalating crisis in El-Fasher between the Army and the Armed Movements supporting it on the one hand, and the Rapid Support Forces, on the other.

The Sudan Liberation Forces Alliance, headed by Al-Tahir Hajar, announced they had secured safe passages for the exit of thousands of civilians, fleeing the hell of war in the city of El-Fasher, in coordination with the Sudan Liberation Movement, led by Abdul Wahid Mohammed Nour.

The Movement shared in a statement, “Yesterday, hundreds of civilian cars and trucks were collected in the Zamzam camp for the displaced persons, and from there a protection force from our forces accompanied them to the Tawila locality. Today, these cars dispersed along several secured paths to the localities of Kabkabiya, Karnoy, and Al-Tineh, in addition to areas controlled by the Sudan Liberation Movement / Army and others. Most of them have already reached their destination safely.”

The statement added: “Based on its position that rejects war and is biased toward peaceful, negotiated solutions, the Sudan Liberation Forces Alliance affirms its continued provision of protection and security to civilians -who wish to leave the areas of conflict and battles- in addition to commercial and humanitarian convoys, the headquarters of humanitarian organizations, and freedom of movement for civilian citizens.”

The statement went on to explain: “We would like to augur the citizens well in regards to securing safer passages in coordination with Armed Struggle Movements that haven’t sided with any party to the conflict.”

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