From the hell of war to death
The road to Egypt claims the lives of dozens of Sudanese

Dozens of Sudanese people lost their lives on the way to Egypt attempting to escape the hell of war that has been raging in the country for a year and a half.
Pictures and video clips were circulated on social media documenting the death of dozens of Sudanese people while attempting to enter Egypt illegally.
The means of death on the way to Egypt varied between thirst, high temperatures, and breakdowns of the smugglers’ cars.
Thousands of Sudanese people traveled to Egypt by land, forced to embark on such dangerous journeys from all sides, after Cairo stopped granting official entry visas to Sudanese citizens.
The suffering of those fleeing the hell of war in Sudan to Egypt was compounded by the unprecedented rise in temperatures in Egypt, exceeding 50 degrees Celsius.
The circulating video clips showed dead bodies as well as others suffering from thirst in the desert near the Egyptian border. Their bodies showed signs of sunburn due to the heat wave, water shortage and sunstroke.
“Despite the documented tragic incidents, the trips are still continuing.” as one of the smugglers, who preferred to conceal his identity, told “Assayha.”