Army headquarters in “Shendi”

bombed by (5) drones

For the third time this month, the Armed Forces’ third Division in the River Nile state, was under attack by drones, which subsequently created a state of freight and panic among the state’s citizens.

Unidentified drones bombed a number of Army headquarters in various states across Sudan, without any party claiming responsibility for launching the attacks.

Last Friday, drones targeted the states of White Nile, Khartoum and El-Gedaref in the eastern part of the country.

The Sudanese Army has yet to disclose information regarding the losses caused by the launched drone attacks, but however confirms that its defenses shot down a number of drones in the previous period.

Last Ramadan “April,” the drones carried out serious attacks on a Ramadan “Iftar” for “Al-Bara’ ibn Malik” Brigade, that was being held in one of the wedding halls located in the city of “Atbara”, which led to the death and injury of dozens of Brigade members. The Brigade is mainly composed of members of the National Congress Party and “Mujahideen”.

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