Mobilizing the Judicial Authority!
Ali Ahmed

Following Al-Burhan’s coup on the 25th of October 2021, he immediately restored, among other things, the former regime’s corrupt Judicial Authority, that is run by Security officers. It’s a well-known fact that the State’s most vital pillar, be it in the past or modern times, is -undoubtedly- the independent and fair Judiciary System. For its corruption can result in similar corruption and collapse of the entire State. Let alone -dear reader- a Judicial system in light of the current state of “non-State” that our country is experiencing.
On June 5th, the corruption of the Judiciary system in the State of “Port Kizan” reached a new peak, as the Anti-Terrorism and Crimes Against the State Court in the city of Port Sudan, headed by “Al-Koz” Security officer, Al-Mamoun Al-Khawad, sentenced the young woman, Hana Abbas Daw Al-Bayt to death by hanging, under Article (51/A) of the 1991 Criminal Act. However simultaneously, a court in the city of Ed Damazin issued a death sentence for the Civil Aviation Authority employee, Issa Hamid Khamis, under Article (50); Undermining the constitutional system and (intelligence) for the benefit of the Rapid Support Forces – Glory be to God!
There’s no doubt in mind that these rulings are essentially political. The aforementioned individuals against whom death sentences were issued oppose the war and call for its cessation, and such people are considered, customary to Al-Kizan’s point of view as well as their Judicial bodies, their prosecutors and police, to be traitors and agents. Previously as well as currently, Al-Kizan have openly and repeatedly stated that those who say “No to war” and call for peace will be tried and sentenced to death.
Al-Kizan’s media, which is run by the Popular Security Service (Kizani Militia), and the Military Intelligence, which is controlled by officers loyal and blindly obedient to their terrorist organization’s criminal sheikh “Ali Karti”, who has always been the first to demand to pursue peace advocates, negotiate and bring them -even from outside the country- to the “Inquisitions.” Their prosecution offices issued lists of arrest warrants against politicians, activists, intellectuals, and journalists according to the same Articles referred to at the beginning of this article. Headlining those arrest warrants lists is the former Prime Minister Dr. Abdullah Hamdok.
At a later date those same lists became the subject of ridicule for the whole world, and revealed the extent of Al-Kizan’s control over the Judicial Bodies and how it is used to settle scores with those who disagree with them as well as their political opponents.
The State’s collapse starts with the collapse of the Justice System. This is a well-known rule, hence Al-Kizan resisted the direction of Dr. Abdullah Hamdok’s government and the great efforts of its minister, Nasr al-Din Abd al-Bari, to reform this particular system, which has been systematically and intentionally sabotaged for thirty continuous years. Following Al-Burhan’s coup, Al-Kizan managed to forcefully make their way back to the Prosecution and Judiciary system, wreaking utter havoc on them.
They overturned all the sentences issued against them, and returned the corrupt and criminals back to the Civil Service, especially the Security Service officers who were acting as Judges and Prosecutors.
All the above is well-known and understood, but the irony is that peace advocates and people who support ending the ongoing war are tried and sentenced to death under penalty of undermining the Constitutional Order – and committing crimes against “the State”, simply because they said “No to war.”
They are tried and sentenced to death at the hands of those who truly undermined the Constitutional Order, ignited war, provoked tribal strife, and utilized racist and hate speech to create a major societal rift, displacing citizens from their homes, stealing their money and destroying the State’s infrastructure.
They plundered public funds and resources for their personal interests and their families fled abroad, so who should be prosecuting whom – for God’s sake?
Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, his officers, and his sheikh “Ali Karti” are the ones to undermine the Constitutional Order with their coup against the Transitional Civil government on the 25th of October 2021, and they are the ones who ignited the current war with their attack on the Rapid Support Forces camp in Sports City.
They are also the ones to cause the collapse of the State. They struck the infrastructure and blatantly killed the citizens based on their identity, forced them to carry weapons by force, and placed them face to face in front of cannon barrels while they fled along with their families abroad.
They are the ones most deserving of being hanged in public squares, not the helpless citizen who was taken by surprise with the realization that there is no Army in his country, and all the speeches spouted about the heroism, strength, and professionalism of the Army are pure illusions and lies that were tested in this war, just as the Military College from which these incompetent and cowardly officers graduated was tested.
The Rapid Support Forces were able to inflict shame, defeats and anguish on the Army, through astonishingly advanced military plans, strategies and tactics, coupled with courage, valor, daring and willingness to sacrifice valuables and one’s soul for the sake of their believes.
These officers, Military College “graduates” in the era of Al-Kizan are far weaker than we ever imagined. In fact, they don’t possess the bare minimum of qualifications enjoyed by those they mock and call degrading names, which is one aspect. The other aspect is their corruption, destructive psychology, hatred for society and their desire to exact revenge on it. Therefore, they ignited a war and whoever refuted or resisted and called for peace was sentenced to death in a Judicial tragedy before which “the Inquisition” hides in shame and modesty!
It’s the State of thieves and disreputable people… a corrupt Military and Al-Kizan State.