Hypocrisy in regards to moral and immoral warfare

Abbas Suliman Mohammed

Clearly, the reality when it comes to the wars of the Islamic Front in South Sudan -under the guise of “religion”- were immoral in every sense of the word, as rape was committed as well as killing of children and women, what wasn’t taking place at the time was the theft of apartments and cars, but only due to the lack of availability and nothing else.

The State’s wars in Darfur, under the guise of defeating the rebellion, were unethical as well, for instead of stealing apartments, they stole camels and cows with helicopters, and they bombed the reminder with aircrafts. Villages and livestock were burned to the ground under the guise of (drying up the rebellion). And everyone was applauding and discussing topics based on the conflicts of farmers and shepherds.

One of the biggest lies told by vile people is the saying of (Morality of the war) because wars don’t break out except in the absence of morals and human values. I often come across stories of theft and violations by people who support the continuation of war hiding behind the (Military resolution only) banner whilst pursuing a moral and human path that seeks a moral war and imagines it to be an act of goodness and humanity.

These groups are differentiated as follows:

The first group is: a group that leads the war and pays the cost of its continuation, but doesn’t pay in losses (Politicians).
The second group is: ordinary people who believe all the war news update reported by the party that leads or represents them in battle.

The third is a group is: war trumpets who use everything possible and available to further ignite the premise of war. They write and speak because the nature of their work is to ignite and further the war.

All the events taking place right now are no more than double standards in regards to the social hypocrisy that accompanies the political process, and there is no such thing as a moral war. The outbreak of wars is caused by immorality, and what we are currently witnessing is nothing but a product of the consequences of wars, and they may be much worse than what is happening right now.

(In a relevant note)

(The Headquarters Sit-in was dispersed, and the goal was to criminalize the Rapid Support Forces, despite the RSF Commander being the Vice President of the Military Council, the goal has always been to end the Rapid Support Forces in a cowardly and treacherous manner without paying much attention to who dies? And what becomes of the country? And who are the supporters of the former regime?)

If the Army leaders possessed the will and love for the country and the revolution, all those sabotagers would’ve been arrested. In addition to taking advantage of the enormous power of both sides and form a national army and become heroes in the eyes of the Army and State, but rather they were the most malicious generals in the history of the country.

What happened on the 15th of April and the 3rd of June prior, the rights of those who died won’t be forgotten or lost. The rights of the entire population won’t be denied. Freedom, peace and justice.
(We will not forgive and we will not forget and woe be upon Al-Kizan.)

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