The Partners!!

Sabah Mohammed Al-Hassan
Every story that started
Ended with other tales
A voice full of pain residing in the throat
Turning away from the war
And praying for peace to rain down
Neither the military nor the politicians are the only ones capable of stopping the war, creating and laying the foundations for peace, not even the international or internal communities and international organizations can achieve peace on their own.
The media, being the Fourth Estate, is a double-edged sword that has the ability to mobilize people as well as calm them down. It plays a major and important role in framing peaceful ideology within society and has the ability to spread the spirit of war and revenge, its the machine of reconstruction as well as destruction.
After more than a year, last week, a hand was extended to stop the voices calling for the continuation of the war in Sudan, coinciding with the targeting of some platforms that incited the conflict. At the same time, and without warning, the supporting media machine took to the war line of thinking, which contributed to the war’s continuation for over a year, resulting in the deaths of thousands of civilians, millions were displaced, and the infrastructure was destroyed, highlighting the blatant injustice of the operation of “erasing the homeland features.”
Similarly to bullets and aerial bombardment, the media played a dangerous and influential role in fueling the conflict, blowing the horn of war, and broadcasting hate speech, racism, regional division, and discrimination based on race, which had and continues to have a clear impact that caused the expansion of the conflict and added to the pain of the citizen.
The media attempted to embellish the path of death for the leaders of both parties to the conflict and contributed in the devastation of the homeland. I wish it had -at the very least- achieved a purpose through being in support of the war, or was in favor of victory and decisiveness.
After the media contributed to the losses and death, today it realizes how wrongful those actions were and returns to lend support to stopping the war. However there are no people or a homeland in sight. The country was orphaned after the citizens abandoned it, and the people were widowed after losing their security.
The voices stopped or were stopped after realizing that the call for war has nothing to do with the lofty, purposeful media message, contradicts this profession, isn’t in line with rational human feelings, and reveals an interiority in which a monster lives, growing larger with each passing day of war.
But can the recipient’s mentality readily accept this transformation from being the trumpets of war to messengers of peace overnight, especially since human feelings may happen to have been awakened in one person and refuses to stir from their deep slumber in another. However, for the collective awakening to take place at the same time means and reveals that there is an entity holding the instrument of control in order to manage.
So, if uniting the positive discourse in support of stopping the war is under the control of an entity, in similar fashion to when it was spouting its negative discourse against stopping the war, this indicates there’s faith and certainty in stopping the war among those managing the war itself, and that is -in itself- remarkable.
Media discourse is inseparable from political discourse. Its dispersal and interconnection are based on political convictions to stop or continue the war.
Hence, blatantly speaking, if the Kizani media has reached a conviction that the war must stop, does this reflect the desire of the Kizani and Security leadership regarding the necessity of achieving the same goal!!
Why did they reach this conclusion when the battles between both parties to the conflict has yet to stop?
For the ousted regime’s holdouts’ media to change their guise means there are three possibilities to tame and curb the desire to continue the war.
Either there’s a greater force that somehow managed to pressure the war leaders sponsoring the media, whether security or organizational, into redirecting the media discourse towards the path of achieving peace.
Or, in confirmation of the revealed information that the treasury spending its money on the war has dried up and more than three businessmen have decided to stop supporting the battles. Obviously, whoever reaches conviction and stops supporting the war won’t be forced to support the media that fuels its fire to continue.
It could also be that the political decision-making room has carefully decided to go to negotiation, hence it has no need for the media that calls for the continuation of war so as not to defeat or hinder this option.
If Ghandour disavows the Islamic Movement, he will find himself to be a National Congress affiliate, and if he disavows the National Congress, he will find himself to be an Islamic Movement affiliate!!Quoted from Al-Jareeda Newspape