Khaled Seilk: We are determined to oppose war

and unite the Civil Front

The leader in the Forces of Freedom and Change “FFC” and the Coordination-body of the Democratic and Civil Forces “TAGADOM” stated that the participants of the “Founding Conference” in Addis Ababa are very much determined to oppose the war, unify the Civil Front, and expand its base as much as possible.

Commenting on the holding of the “TAGADOM” Conference, he added: “A large number of people from Sudan met in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, at the beginning of the Founding Conference.” and “They came in with differences, contrasts, discrepancies in viewpoints, and multiplicity of cultures, customs, and ways of thinking, however, despite it all, they were determined to achieve one thing: To unite the democratic civilian anti-war voice and expand its base as much as possible.”

The leader in the Forces of Freedom and Change explained: “With this broad and diverse unity, we shall strengthen the voice of peace and fight speeches of division, sedition, and hatred. We will work hard to save our country from this destruction, and we will rebuild it as best as possible.”

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