“Manna”: The Army is defeated and controls only (3) states

The former rapporteur of the Empowerment Removal Committee, and a leader in Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdok’s government, announced that the Sudanese Army led by Ali Karti had been defeated, and only (3) states remain under its control.

Manaa stated that the war has expanded to all the states of Darfur, Kordofan, Khartoum, southern White Nile, Al-Jazeera, northern Sennar, northern Blue Nile, Dinder, northern Gedaref Al-Faw, and southern Shendi, and the remaining states are the Red Sea, Kassala, and the Northern state.

He added in a tweet on his account on the “X” platform: “Even geography has been affected by the lies, and do not believe the appearances of Yasser, Al-Burhan, and the lying media.”

He stressed that the “Karti Army” failed to form a government after the 25th of October Coup when the (18) states were under it’s control, and now the Army is defeated and only controls (3) states. Can it possibly form a government? And he added, “It’s an Army that has failed in its original mission (War), therefore, will its government succeed?” “?

Salah Manna pointed out that the Jeddah platform is the shortest way to stop the war and preserve what remains of the homeland.

He continued, Al-Burhan and the Security Committee seized control over (18) states with an Army of (250,000) soldiers on paper (to receive salaries) and (57,000) in reality, only a quarter remains of that number (as Al-Burhan stated), about (13,000), most of them are officers, and only (3) states remain under their control.

Manna confirmed that Al-Burhan’s presence at the Army leadership wasn’t a coincidence. But rather, the Islamic Movement’s program to divide Sudan. They raised the banner of jihad (Bal bas, i.e the continuation of war until military resolution is achieved) in the south until it was separated, and the war of extermination in Darfur (Military Resolution Only).

The former rapporteur of the Empowerment Removal Committee went on to add, in the 15th of April war (they were defeated successfully), and the war began yesterday when it reached the borders of the River Nile (as Al-Burhan stated).

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