The language of deception!!

Sabah Mohammed Al-Hassan
For dreams suspended between ignition and extinguishing, and for tired hopes, isn’t it time to recline!!
Senior sources confirmed that the leaders of both parties to the conflict will attend the Jeddah platform after the blessed Eid al-Adha, and attributed the delay in the set date to administrative procedures in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia related to the Hajj season. They also confirmed that -until this moment- the Army has not rejected the latest invitation from the Mediation to return to negotiations.
The sources added that after Al-Burhan’s statements about favoring the continuation of war to the negotiations, the mediation didn’t receive any official response of refusal to accept the invitation to negotiations, and there were no new updates regarding the schedule of commitment to return that was confirmed by the leaders of both parties to the war in Sudan.
In Ethiopia, delegations are flocking to participate in the Dounding Conference of the Coordination-body of the Democratic and Civil Forces “TAGADOM” to come to an agreement regarding the vision for stopping the war and establishing the broadest civil alliance.
The aforementioned fact is the direct reason that induced the state of turmoil present in Lt. Gen. Yasser Al-Atta’s speech and drove him to make such reckless statements to “Al-Hadath” that contradicts logic and truth; stating that they have no objection to granting Russia a military bases on the Red Sea in exchange for weapons!!
A rather confused conversation reveals that the man was in dire need of having this discussion just so he can release such statements, clearly in reaction to the progress being made towards achieving a political solution and supporting the peace option. If the military base that Al-Atta wants to grant Russia the right of implementing is the trump card for the Army, then why has he not used it since the beginning of the war to avoid the losses the country suffered in terms of lives and properties.
If Russia knew that Al-Burhan’s signature would grant it the naval base, it wouldn’t have waited all this time. Especially since “Agar” visited Russia months ago. Therefore, why did the latter delay this tempting concession and then announced through its Foreign Ministry its support of the negotiations and invited both parties to the conflict to the Jeddah platform!! Why didn’t Russia rush to seize this opportunity!!
Because supporting peace preserves Russia’s relations with major powers with common interests that are by far greater than its interest with Al-Burhan, who heads a lost and hungry country -as a consequence of the war. A country with a soul struggling to survive.
Even though Al-Atta continues to practice the language of deception against the Sudanese people on an Emirati channel, accusing its country of treason and supporting the rebellion!! Isn’t boycotting its media the least he can do!!
Al-Atta speaks about canceling an invalid “Draft”, for if he truly acknowledges its existence, then it’s a subliminal admission that all the events that followed are invalid. Therefore, it’s a manufactured discussion that came at a specific date and time to poison the atmosphere and spoil the state of cohesion between the civil and political forces and civil society organizations in their efforts to stop the war.
A “requested” discussion, in which he desires to indicate that -despite the efforts made- I’d like to assure you the war is going to continue, waving the losing card of Russia, where Al-Burhan doesn’t control the decision, even if he signs!!!
This is the goal of the discussion, and the evidence to support that claim lies in the way it came out in an improvised, unorganized manner. The man spoke about being a benefactor who could grant Egypt and Saudi Arabia bases on the Red Sea even though they have no need for such offers. Nonetheless those are simply statements that lack balance, for Al-Atta is behaving like a student who came in after the lesson ended.
His participation to the discussion was providing only weak and illogical statements that deducted rather than adding anything to his person. Such false statements contribute to expanding the wedge of mistrust between the Army and the citizen, exacerbating the social loss.
The ousted regime’s holdouts media mobilized or “were mobilized” after a year of death and destruction to raise the slogan “No to war.”
The international demand to stop violent speech
However, the citizen’s awareness is too great to be defeated by a plan that utilizes the same faces that tells him (Sorry)!!
Quoted from Al-Jareeda Newspaper