The Islamists war in Sudan (3-3)

Moneim Suliman writes: The Islamists war in Sudan (3-3)

This last part of the investigation/article will be dedicated to the Salafi-Jihadist Organizations, or what is commonly known as the “Military Jihadism” participating in the war alongside the Islamic Movement, all of which is organized following the fall of the Inqaz regime/Islamic Movement in 2019, united under a new name, the Sudanese Union of Scholars and Preachers.

The Sudanese Union of Scholars and Preachers:

It was established two months after the formation of the transitional government headed by former Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdok, specifically in October 2019. Its establishment in itself was a scheme and deception on the Islamic Movement’s part, knowing that their old religious facades such as: the Islamic Dawa Organization and the Sudan Scholars Association as well as others won’t be able to perform after the announcement of the revolution government, and indeed the “Empowerment Removal Committee” shutdown and confiscated all their religious facades, assets, and bank balances – all was later retrieved following the 25th of October 2021 coup- after which the majority of the war jihadist movement cadres fled to Türkiye, such as Abdel-Hay Youssef and Mohammed Abdul-Karim and others, so it was necessary to establish a new interface and faces that would enable them to work, and this was the resulting union.

The new Union was molded after its formation by the jihadist military experts, where “Al-Numan Mohammed Saleh” assumed its presidency, with “Hassan Kashkash” acting on his behalf and “Muddathir Al-Bahi” as the Secretary-General, while its membership included senior jihadists and Takfiris, such as: the leader of “ISIS” in Sudan, “Mohammed Ali Al-Jazouli.” -who is now detained by RSF- and Mohannad Al-Tijani, one of the biggest supporters of Al-Qaeda in Sudan, and the Salafi jihadist “Omar Abdel Khaleq” head of the Adherence to the Holy Book and Sunnah Association that has publicly pledged allegiance to “ISIS,” as well as the Takfiri “Ibrahim Othman Abu Khalil”, head of Hizb ut-Tahrir – The State of Sudan, in addition to other jihadists and Takfiris, which there isn’t enough space to mention here.

The Union is linked to external religious figures who have ties to extremist jihadist organizations, such as: Libya’s Grand Mufti, Sheikh “Sadiq Al-Ghariani” and the extremist Yemeni jihadist, “Mohammed Musa Al-Amiri.”

The Union’s main mission following its formation was to attack the transitional government and its then Prime Minister on an almost daily basis from the pulpits of the mosques to religious seminars that were constantly inciting the common people, describing the transitional government as an infidel and accusing it of having ties to the countries of infidelity and arrogance (referring to the West in general and America in particular).

The Union at the time declared the Minister of Education “Mohammed Al-Amin Al-Toum” an infidel, as well as “Omar Al-Qaray,” an expert in educational curricula, for their role in establishing a contemporary and modern civil educational curriculum. The Union also accused and incited the Minister of Justice in the government at the time, “Nassr al-Din Abdel-Bari” after he announced the Miscellaneous Amendments Act, according to which all articles restricting or conflicting with the basic rights and freedoms were abolished…. Their campaign of incitement and threats extended to all those calling for civil rule, including politicians, journalists, and major writers.

Following the 25th of October 2021 coup, which was orchestrated by the Islamic Movement (Karti), the movement pushed new, more extremist Salafi figures to take over the leadership of the Union of Scholars and Preachers. Thus, bringing in the Salafi “Alaa al-Din al-Zaki” as president and “Muddathir Ahmed Ismail” to fill the position of Secretary-General of the Union, while they appointed the Takfiri Salafi jihadist, “Mukhtar Badri” as Vice President.
The aim of these changes was to preserve the “gains” of the coup and obstruct any efforts to return to the path of democratic transition.

That particular period witnessed an organized attack on “John Godfrey,” the U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Sudan, and the head of the UNITAM mission, “Volker Peretz.”
The Salafi, “Mukhtar Badri,” was in the spotlight at this stage, due to his studies in the West and his proficiency in the English and French languages. Indeed, he launched an appeal at his seminar in November 2022, in which he incited the audience to kill the American ambassador, stating: “The Taliban defeated America from the mountains and caves. Is it possible that we cannot eliminate this despicable American?”, and adding: “We are ready to fight the Americans, as these infidels will not leave except through jihad”.

The campaign proceeded in this manner, and the Union issued a statement in the form of a recording by the jihadist close to Al-Qaeda, “Mohannad Al-Tijani,” entitled: “From Muhannad Al-Tijani to the despicable American Ambassador” in which he said, “Let America know that there are tens of thousands of Bin Laden’s youth and soldiers in Sudan,” before concluding his message to the American ambassador by saying: “The Islamists will return to rule despite what you want, because they are more honorable and purer than the sinful ones you want to rule Sudan) – in reference to the democratic civil forces.

The Sudanese Union of Scholars and Preachers devoted its efforts after the 15th of April 2023, to filling the battlefields with militants and extremists whose view of this war is that its between (infidelity and Islam). The leadership of the Salafi-Jihadist Union also devoted its time and efforts into giving the war a jihadist religious character by inciting from the pulpits of mosques against the Sudanese democratic forces and against the West and America, promoting jihad and considering the democratic civil forces as renegades and infidels who wish evil upon the Sudanese people. The Taiba channel, which broadcasts from Türkiye currently and is owned by the jihadist Abdul Hay Youssef, is still present, promoting the Union and its inflammatory speeches.

Since the Islamic Movement ignited the war on the 15th of April last year, more than (15,000) people have been killed, more than (8) million have been displaced, while (18) million Sudanese are threatened by hunger. All this death, displacement, hunger and destruction has been caused by the Islamic Movement in order to return the Sudanese to its fascist religious rule, and so that the Sudanese do not enjoy freedom and democracy.

Just as the jihadist extremist Mohannad Al-Tijani threatened in late 2022 with war for the return of Islamist rule, he carried out his threat on the 15th of April 2023, and blood is still being shed for the return of Islamists to rule again!

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