“RSF”: SAF and Movements broadcast misleading

information about the situation in El-Fasher

The Rapid Support Forces accused what they termed “Al-Burhan militia” and the mercenaries of the Armed Movements of broadcasting allegations and misinformation to mislead local and international public opinion regarding the situation in the city of El-Fasher, North Darfur state.

The Rapid Support Forces confirmed that they countered about (23) attacks by the Army Forces supported by the Armed Movements allied with it on RSF sites in the city of El-Fasher.

The Rapid Support Forces expressed their impatience with the repeated attacks on its forces, even though it still maintains its position of refraining from attacking the Army headquarters inside the city in order to preserve the lives of civilians as well as to implement RSF’s previous commitment with the notables of the region and the neutral Armed Movements, not to engage in an Armed conflict inside the city of El-Fasher.

The Rapid Support Forces’ statement yesterday on the “X” platform shared that, “Al-Burhan’s militias and mercenary Movements are trying to spread allegations and misinformation to mislead local and international public opinion in regards to the situation in the city of El-Fasher, North Darfur state.”

The statement reaffirmed RSF’s keenness -more than any other party- to protect the citizens in El-Fasher and other regions of Sudan, and considered it an initial commitment that stems from its respect for the values and principles of the Sudanese people as well as its commitment to international conventions and laws.

The statement added, “The Rapid Support Forces are fully aware they are fighting the war on behalf of millions of our people who are eager to witness the establishment of a State of justice and democracy. Based on this, our Forces do observe all laws of engagement and respects human rights conventions, International Humanitarian Law, in addition to all international covenants.”

RSF confirmed that their position regarding the issue of El-Fasher is well-known, and explained that their forces had chosen -since the beginning of the war- to avoid any armed clashes sparked that could very well affect the citizens, in response to previous understandings along the same lines.

The statement shared that the most recent update comes in the form of afew “Armed Mercenary Movements” announcing they are abandoning their stances of neutrality in favor of entrenchment alongside the “Hijacked Army” militia and the terrorist ousted regime’s holdouts, followed by their explicit declaration of attack on our forces.

It pointed out that the “Enemies attacks” on the positions of our forces amounted to more than twenty attempts, which the valiant RSF soldiers responded to with blatant valor and high discipline, while warplanes targeted civilians in a series of documented air strikes that claimed lives as well as wounded hundreds of innocent people, in addition to destroying public and private facilities, the latest of such events was the aerial bombardment of “Babikir Nahar” Children’s Hospital, that resulted in the death and wounding of dozens of innocent civilians.

The Rapid Support Forces stated: “The blatant and exposed plans of the mercenaries will not succeed in driving a wedge between the Rapid Support Forces and some of the societal components. And broadcasting misleading information to international observers… Our reply to them: No way…! The Sudanese people are sick and tired of the schemes and lies of the National Congress regime, for they have become stagnant goods and allegations that backfires on those who make them.”

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