Army Intelligence arrests journalist Siddiq Dalay

The Sudanese Journalists Syndicate “SJS” announced the arrest of journalist Siddiq Dalay in the city of Ad-Damazin, Blue Nile state, by the Army’s Military Intelligence.

The Syndicate condemned the arrest of journalist Dalay, and held the Military Intelligence responsible for his security and safety, demanding his immediate and unconditional release.

Journalist Dalay has previously been vocal about condemning the killing of lawyer Salah Al-Tayeb at the hands of Army personnel in Al-Jazeera state last week.

The Sudanese Journalists Syndicate considered Dalay’s arrest a violation of his rights as a journalist and warned of the imminent danger of continuing to violate such rights, terrorizing the journalists with arrest.

A report issued by the Sudanese Journalists Syndicate listed a rather frightening toll in regards to the issue of detaining journalists, confirming the arrest, detention and apprehension of (39) journalists, including 5 female journalists.

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