The Military Intelligence tortures Resistance Committees

The Military Intelligence tortures Resistance Committees

The Civilian Populace Platform “MGD” stated that; it had obtained information concerning numerous Resistance Committees’ members who were arrested by Military Intelligence in Al-Jazeera state on April 17th, along with Salah Al-Tayeb Musa, the head of the Sudanese Congress Party in “Al-Qurashi” branch, who was killed under torture in Army detention centers.

The Platform shared that obtained information indicates that the Military Intelligence tortured members of the Resistance Committees throughout the recent period, as lawyer Salah Al-Tayeb Musa died on the third day, while the rest of the detainees from the Resistance Committees were burned with electricity, injured in their nether regions, and had their fingernails pulled out during torture.

The Sudanese Congress Party announced on Thursday the death of one of its prominent officials in Al-Jazeera state, under torture by the Sudanese Army Forces, stating that; the head of “Al-Qurashi” branch, Salah Al-Tayeb, an esteemed lawyer, was arrested by a force affiliated with the Military Intelligence, along with several others, last April. It was later confirmed that Salah Al-Tayeb was killed inside the prison under torture.

The Coordination-body of the Democratic and Civil Forces “TAGADOM” condemned the killing of political activist, Salah Al-Tayeb Moussa, under torture in an Army detention center in Al-Jazeera state. They described the incident as a “war crime.”

“TAGADOM” shared in a statement: “The heinous crime that was committed, comes as a result of targeting political and civil forces, trade union bodies, professional associations as well as emergency rooms for their stances, rejecting the ongoing war and supporting peace.”

The statement explained that the victim remained detained while the Military Intelligence in “Al-Azazi” area denied that fact, but under pressure from his family, they were informed of his death as a result of torture three weeks ago and had been buried without their knowledge.

The statement added: “We condemn this crime, a war crime for which the Military Intelligence of the Armed Forces bears full responsibility. It comes as a rather expected result of hate speech, incitement, targeting of innocent civilians, and discrimination on racial, ethnic, regional, and political grounds since the outbreak of the war.”

“TAGADOM” urged the Sudanese Army to bring the perpetrators to justice and to stop unleashing its members on innocent civilians in areas under its control.

The “Emergency Lawyers” human rights group had previously uncovered information pertaining to an arrest campaign launched by the Sudanese Army in the states of Sennar, El-Gedaref, and White Nile, against activists in volunteer work and party leaders.

The human rights group confirmed, in a report entitled “Sennar, the state of Hostages and Detainees,” that “The Military intelligence of the Sudanese alArmy’s 17th Infantry Division, during the period from last December until last April, launched an arrest campaign targeting political and civilian activists, that included beatings and degrading abuse, in addition to tracking, pursuing, monitoring and inspection operations at the entrances and crossings of the state.”

According to a report published last April: “The arrests included activists in the state’s Emergency Rooms, volunteers in voluntary initiatives, members of the Resistance Committees, and members of political parties in the state’s various localities.”

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