The field of ethics!!

Ashraf Abdel-Aziz writes: The field of ethics!!

The absurd war taking place in Sudan has revealed how bidding has become the safest bet when it comes to achieving victories, especially for the (Blabsa; those who believe in the continuation of the war until military resolution is achieved), who chose to support the war and place obstacles and barricades in the way of reaching a ceasefire agreement that would alleviate the suffering and misery that has befallen the Sudanese people as a result of this accursed war.

Peculiarly enough, they shamelessly announce their position, aiming to dismantle Sudan in exchange for blatantly and openly returning to power, while they celebrate Dr. Amin Hassan Omar, who stressed the importance of continuing the war despite the significant sacrifices it cost, its destructive effect on the national economy and the people of Sudan. Its as if Dr. Amin had never been in charge of the Darfur peace file and was keen to sign agreements with the Armed Movements despite his conviction that the concessions he made were significant, but are permissible in this instance.

The further ironic part is the attempts made at justification, that are promoted by the “Blabsa”, stating that the significant participation of Sudanese people in the “Mall of the Emirates” Concert, in which the Sudanese singer Nancy Ajaj participated and every Sudanese interacted with, contradicting the racism and discrimination rhetoric and emphasizing the common conscience and unified social fabric.

However, the “Blabsa” insisted that this particular interaction is akin to dancing on the remains of the victims and smiling at the killer, while they are fighting alongside “UAE” in Yemen, collecting the price, exporting gold to Dubai, and benefiting from Bank of Khartoum transfers through the “Bankak” application, and “UAE” is the largest contributor to it, they also support the “Blabsa” who sing in support of the continuation of the war from their residences in “UAE.”

The peculiar part of this matter is; they condemn any media coverage denouncing the evisceration of a member of the Rapid Support Forces by individuals wearing the Sudanese Armed Forces uniform, thus bringing back to memory the worst war scenes narrated throughout history, embodying the incident of “Wahshi” and “Hind bint Utbah,” who ordered him to cut the stomach of “Hamzah” open, in addition to other brutal scenes of killing throughout history. However, you will find they are shamelessly justifying this deed by claiming it was the Rapid Support Forces that started this brutal method of killing and its merely done in reciprocity.

These justifications clearly confirm the extent of their failure in their chosen field of “ethics”, for they only see the violations of the Rapid Support Forces, urgently demand condemnation whenever they occur, but when it’s the other side committing the violations -some of which are arguably much more horrific- they wish noone will speak on the matter, but rather encourage it, even if it’s similar to ISIS’s methods of choice when it comes to eliminating their opponents. This in particular is how corrupt ideas establishes corrupt regimes that overrides human wisdom and holding criminals accountable (say no to war).

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