The largest oil production well in East Darfur burning

According to the reports received by “Assayha” from local sources, unidentified persons set fire to the largest oil production well in the “Zarqa Um Hadid” field, located in the state of East Darfur.
The sources shared that the fire completely consumed the well after encountering difficulties in extinguish the burning flames.
Community leaders in “Abu Karinka” locality in East Darfur stated that what happened was an act of sabotage, carried out by the ousted regime’s holdouts, harboring the intention of disrupting and destroying oil wells in the region.
The Rapid Support Forces, which is responsible for securing the oil fields after seizing control of them last December, stated that they had arrested the perpetrators and they’re being investigated. While apprehensions of the fire expanding to the rest of the oil fields in the region continue to cloud the situation.