Brutal battles in Jebel Kordofan and “RSF”

seizes control over El-Obeid “Reserve” headquarters

Today, brutal battles took place between the Sudanese Army Forces and the Rapid Support Forces, in Jebel Kordofan, south of the city of El-Obeid in North Kordofan.

A field commander told “Assayha”; the battles that broke out on Tuesday morning resulted in heavy losses, injuries, and deaths.

He added; the Rapid Support Forces took control of the “Central Reserve” Forces camp in El-Obeid.

He shared that (3) tanks “Perto” were burned and fully equipped -with weapons and ammunition- combat vehicles were seized, along with (2) tanks and (2) armored vehicles from “Al-Burhan’s militia” as he called it, in Jebel Kordofan.

He explained that the Rapid Support Forces approached El-Obeid Airport, confirming that fierce battles took place around the city.

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