“Al-Ta’ishi” condemns SAF’s terrorist operation as

“eviscerating” the citizen

Former Sovereignty Council member, Mohammed Hassan Al-Ta’ishi, condemned the incident of the Sudanese army soldiers killing a citizen, mutilating his body, and ripping out his insides.

Al-Ta’ishi stated: “I wouldn’t have commented on the image of ISIS affiliated military soldiers of the Sudanese army, eviscerating the entrails of the body of a Sudanese citizen in a shockingly barbaric manner, had it not brought back to my memory -and to everyone who remembers- all the heinous and horrific crimes committed by the Sudanese Armed Forces as part of the all-consuming violence the State has practiced towards Sudanese civilians over the decades and eras.”

He added, “It is a fact; ISIS Islamists have entered the very heart of this war, in addition to numerous other Sudanese intellectuals, who has -since then- identified with all the brutality and barbarism committed. And above all else, they have identified with the war, citing very naive schemes and ridiculous arguments for the sake of preserving the State and its institutions.”

Al-Ta’ishi indicated that, truthfully, the very same practices that the State defenders are keeping silent about are the ones perpetrated by the State and its Security institutions, not just ISIS. There are honest and noble Sudanese who documented the era of torture and ghost houses, and in every story taking place throughout these bleak times in our country’s desolate history, there was something quite similar to this crime and more.

Al-Ta’ishi stressed that the massacres of Al-Joudah, Thabit village or Hamada village are just another glimpse in the overall view that isn’t visible to everyone, not a creation of ISIS affiliates’ violence, but rather the violence of the State and its institutions. I mourn for the citizen who was killed and his body was mutilated and mauled by human dogs. But this brutal killing must be viewed and understood within the context of State -along with its institutions- violence, which must be changed radically and comprehensively if we want this country to be governed by peace, stability and development.

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