The “River Nile” state recently updated curfew dates

The “River Nile” state Security Committee announced a recent amendment to the curfew dates that had been imposed in the state for months, and shared that the amendment was for “security purposes.”


The state Security Committee added in a decision issued today, Friday, to amend the curfew in the “River Nile” state to start at nine o’clock in the evening instead of twelve o’clock, to continue until five o’clock in the morning, and to come into effect immediately.


The security measures come in the wake of unidentified drones infiltrating the state’s space and carrying out strikes on Army security and military headquarters, in addition to the incident of the “Ramadan iftar” that was held by “Al-Bara’ Brigade”, which includes members of Al-Bashir’s party, in the city of Atbara during the last few days of Ramadan. The incident resulted in the death and injury of dozens.

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