Appeals to clear safe routes for citizens to leave El-Fasher

The Darfur Justice Platform launched an urgent appeal to the international community, represented in the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the UN Security Council, the African Union, the United States of America, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (sponsors of the Jeddah Platform), as well as the neighboring and refugee countries, to take steps and discuss with both parties to the conflict the situation regarding putting an end to the war in Al-Fasher.
A statement on behalf of the Darfur Justice Platform warned of catastrophic consequences for all residents of the region that could result in an all-out civil war which would indeed wreak havoc on all forms of life alike, leading to further cases of displacement and asylum.
The Platform called, as a precaution, to oblige both parties to the conflict to clear safe routes for citizens to exit the city of El-Fasher, its suburbs, and areas potentially affected by the battles, and to provide safe havens, with a serious and complete commitment to delivering humanitarian aid to them and providing logistical assistance.
The statement urged both parties to the conflict, people of Darfur, to take a closer look at what this battle is leading to and the results it will manifest, in which even the winner is certainly at loss.
The Darfur Justice Platform urged for an action to spare innocent citizens the risk of death by at least moving the battles outside the city limits or opening routes for safe exit and giving the citizens with enough time to reconcile their affairs.