Yasser Al-Atta.. The war “Arqoub”!

Ali Ahmed writes... Yasser Al-Atta... The war “Arqoub”!

In ancient times the Arabs had the proverb; “The promise of “Arqoub.” Arqoub was a Bedouin, if asked to give something, he lies, making promises and setting dates without fulfilling them. If a man asks him for something, “Arqoub” promises him, saying: “I will give it to you when the palm trees grow!” But when the palm trees grow, and the man comes back to “Arqoub,” the latter lies to him and sets another date of; after the palm trees bears fruit! When the man comes back to him following the palm trees bearing fruit, “Arqoub” invents another new date, and says to the poor man: “when the palm trees ripen,” and so on, he promises and lies, then promises and lies repeatedly, until the dates ripen completely, and “Arqoub” doesn’t give the man anything. Therefore “Arqub” became the notorious liar of his time when in it comes to making promises. Hence, the proverb. This is what Yasser Al-Atta, our very own “Arqoub,” is doing in this war.

Al-Atta, after promising the people of Al-Jazeera state at the very beginnings of last Ramadan to make it so they are able to have breakfast “Eid Iftar” in the city of Wad Medani. But there was no “Eid,” no breakfast “Iftar”, not even Wad Madani or any mention of it. Still he returns to the small crowd he was addressing yesterday, promising the rapid approach of the day of victory and resolution in all parts of Sudan, reassuring them once again that his army and Al-Kizan militias will win with their prayers -he emphasized it- reiterating that they will win with the war with their prayers. We have never once witnessed armies winning battles with prayers, but rather with readiness, planning, valor, and national combat doctrine. Those led by Al-Atta are fighting with no goal in mind, as restoring Al-Kizan to power is not a noble goal worthy of sacrificing one’s life for, hence why they flee “once the first shot is taken.”

This idiot -who doesn’t even know the population of the country he wants to rule by force- and who turned from a fighter into a lying, vulgar “preacher” who invites mockery and ridicule.
Al-Kizan prayers will not bring about victory, only crushing defeat and shame, for God does not grant the prayers of murderers, thieves, and those who spill innocent blood. He added, twisting his mouth: “We will be victorious even if 48 million Sudanese are martyred.” I have no knowledge of where he attained this particular statistic from, but let us assume it is correct. Why should he assume that all of these people will fight in the ranks of his militia, whose leaders fled to Port Sudan and established their new “Port Kizan” city there, while battling extreme terror and fear?!

This wretched individual, in a senseless insistence on leading the country towards a holocaust, said that he wanted all of Sudan’s population to be killed in this war except for a small number of children in order to live a better life, as if death were the only option to create a better life and future for our children?! As if there are no other less demanding options (!) What about stopping the war and achieving peace, oh reckless one?

Al-Atta, “the war Arqoub” the flawed, hateful racist is back to describing the Rapid Support Forces as “Arabs of the diaspora” in a crude and ugly racism, that perfectly matches the person he is. But the most important part in this confused and weak speech of his is that; its a first-class “Kizani” speech. And this was clearly demonstrated in his adoption of the Kizani line of thought, the same thought pattern they started the war because of, as he refused the participation of the political parties -that he described as double agents and traitors- in what he termed the “Founding Period” that he believes will be announced after his “victory” in a war he described as being devoid of any but the leaders of the “Sana’/Karti’s” militias.
Adding that the Sudanese people will be the political nurturing environment for this “Founding Period” he seems to dreams of, and surely, as we all know, Al-Kizan have always thought of themselves as the entirety of “the Sudanese people.”

Al-Atta aims -through adopting Al-Kizani speech to return our country and its people to the era of Al-Kizan, as he stated: “We will return Sudan to its former state,” which is a very Kizani saying and a path this oppressed nation has experienced for more than 30 years and did not reap anything from it but death, destruction, bloodshed, tears, betrayal, conspiracy, corruption, and death…it is a shameful, disgraceful and notorious reputation, very similar to this “Arqoub.”

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