Army Intelligence pursues and arrests

El-Fasher Resistance members

El-Fasher Resistance Committees stated that Military Intelligence in North Darfur state has arrested Dr. Mohammed Abdul-Rahman, a member of El-Fasher Resistance Committees, on Thursday, without disclosing any reasons for the arrest, and has yet to release him.

For their part, the family of Dr. Abdul-Rahman Mohammed Saleh condemned the arrest of their son, Mohammed Abdul-Rahman, and the arrest of citizens in general.

They held the Military Intelligence of North Darfur state responsible for his wellbeing, demanding his immediate release, and warning that such violations would only intensify the severity of political polarization.

The family added that, it has become abundantly clear the Military Intelligence of the Armed Forces has returned to the former regime’s approach of arbitrary arrests and committing violations against the citizens. Which, in turn confirms that the Military Intelligence has abandoned their main responsibilities of protecting civilians, and has taken the route of settling political scores, under orders from the ousted regime’s holdouts to hinder all efforts to stop the war.

El-Fasher Resistance Committees confirmed that these violations will not hinder their efforts to stop the war and alleviate the suffering of citizens.

Al-Sadiq Abdul-Rahman Salem, a member of El-Fasher Resistance Committees, told “Radio Dabanga” that the Military Intelligence of the “6th Infantry Division” started arresting innocent people who hold the belief of “no war.” Yesterday, Dr. Mohammed Abdul-Rahman, a member of the North Darfur Resistance Committees, was arrested, and he is one of the voices demanding an immediate end to the war.

Al-Sadiq held the Military Intelligence of the “6th Infantry Division” responsible for Dr. Mohammed’s wellbeing, and told “Radio Dabanga”: “We are in favor of putting a stop to the war, and the doctor isn’t affiliated to either party to the conflict (Army or RSF), therefore it is rather shameful for the State Service to arrest innocent people.” He demanded the immediate release of Dr. Mohammed Abdul-Rahman, and called for the release of all detainees in the country who are in favor of putting a stop to this senseless war that has wreaked havoc on everything.

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