The Sudanese Congress Party condemns “SAF” for killing civilians

The Sudanese Congress Party condemned the murder of unarmed civilians by members of the Sudanese Armed Forces, who appeared in a recent video clip. And denounced the national radio’s broadcast of a recent statement made by the former director of the Intelligence and Security Service in Kassala, where he expressed racism against one of the social components in eastern Sudan.

The Sudanese Congress Party shared in a statement, that with each passing day, the ugliness of the15th of April war become clearer, with its absurdity, and threat to tear apart the social fabric of the country and fragment its unified entity.

The statement indicated a circulating video clip that showed members of the Sudanese Armed Forces raising their voices in tahleel and takbir in celebration of the horrific killing of a number of civilians.

Adding: “Two days prior, the Sudanese National Radio broadcasted a statement by the former director of the Intelligence and Security Service in Kassala, Badr al-Din Abdel-Hakam, exuding racism and hatred for one of the social components in eastern Sudan.”

The party condemned the killing of unarmed civilians by members of the Armed Forces, and stated: “We believe it’s a dangerous criminal behavior that reaffirms the necessity of carrying out profound reform processes in all security and military agencies as well as their combat doctrine.”

The party added: “We also condemn the broadcast of hate speech, tribalism and racism on the official national radio, by the notorious commander of the former regime’s security service in Kassala, as it is a speech aimed at sowing seeds of discord and fueling tribal conflicts that the forces of apostasy and darkness have been igniting and investing in for the benefit of their despicable agenda.”

The Sudanese Congress Party demanded they be held accountable after due investigations into such crimes, and reiterated its unyielding position of demanding an immediate end to the war, stating that it’s an accursed war in which everyone is a loser, and the defenseless people pay heavy price in pain, blood, tears as well as displacement. They stressed that there is no escape from adopting the option of a political solution to the country’s crisis.

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