The “Brotherhood’s” role in the Sudanese war!

Nageeb Yamani writes… The “Brotherhood’s” role in the Sudanese war!

“How do you understand the war in Sudan? ”.. Under this very title that raises all matters of interest and curiosity, exploring the secrets of the war in Sudan, came an article by the writer Faisal Mohammed Saleh, in “Asharq Al-Awsat” newspaper (16531) issue, so I read it with the eagerness of a seeker of the truth, especially since the author, in addition to his journalistic prowess, has been the Minister of Culture and Information in the technocratic government that took over following the overthrow of Al-Bashir regime, which means that, intuitively or hypothetically, he is capable of drawing a picture supported by documented information regarding the nature of this war, and who fired its first shot, as is the confusing question that both parties to the conflict kept pushing onto each other. Over the course of an entire year, the sound of bullets was not silenced, and the result was the devastating destruction of Sudan’s infrastructure, the displacement of its innocent citizens, a surprising and astonishing fluctuation in the search for a solution, and the “evasiveness” that remained the most prominent feature of these negotiations.

Unfortunately, I did not find what I was seeking in the article, and it seemed to me that Professor Faisal was cautious in responding to his questioner, and contented himself with providing links so the questioner could decide for themselves and understand this war for what it really is.

The issue of this war is clearer and much more explicit than any attempt at precaution, and the party that is still fanning its flames and putting forth efforts into its continuation is well known and exposed, with its obvious role in undermining all opportunities of reaching a solution whether In the Jeddah or Manama platforms, and taking the matter to Libya…Anyone who follows the Sudanese affairs, even very sporadically, can point a damning finger at the “Brotherhood” in this tragedy the Sudanese people are experiencing. Read, if you would like, what our colleague Mishari Al-Dhaidi wrote: “Ten days following the outbreak of the internal Sudanese war, I noticed an explicit Brotherhood bias with Al-Burhan against Hemedti. They played on demonizing him and praising Al-Burhan, and one can find in the British “Times” magazine, that Hemedti had accused Al-Burhan of being biased towards the Brotherhood, which seeks to regain power. But Al-Burhan denied those accusations as well as the claim of Kizani presence in the army.”

Additionally, “Asharq Al-Awsat” newspaper, in its (16284) issue, indicated that Sudanese military sources stated that “Islamists” have a hidden role in the conflict, and that thousands of those who worked in the Sudanese National Security and Intelligence Service during the era of former President Al-Bashir and have links to the Islamic movement are currently fighting alongside the Army. It confirmed as well that “the Muslim Brotherhood in Sudan sparked the war and continued to fuel it,” citing the absence of Al-Burhan from the meeting sponsored by the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, UAE, and USA to discuss the crisis as proof. Everyone was in attendance, including the commander of the Rapid Support Forces, and the absence of Al-Burhan was viewed as a rejection of the agreement. While those with insider knowledge regarding the matter state that instructions from the Islamic Movement prevented Al-Burhan from attending, marking the beginning of the ongoing catastrophic and tragic war scene in Sudan, that can be described as “absurd and surreal,” the result of which is the continuous and crushing destruction of Sudan, the displacement of its people, the rape of its daughters, the killing of innocent victims, and the crimes taking place throughout the country, citing irresponsible actions and uncontrolled behavior, creating such disgraceful scenes to the humanity that rejects such inhumane acts.

What has been taking place in the Sudan since the “Brotherhood” coup on the 30th of June 1989, and the subsequent changes to the Sudanese political, economic and social fronts, confirm that there is still a sect belonging to the “Brotherhood”, wearing the uniform of the Sudanese army, and tampering with it. Its recent move came while Sudan was in the preparation process for the moment of signing the “Framework Agreement”, after numerous postponements and delaying tactics with no viable justification other than procrastination, as well as an attempt to obstruct the efforts aimed at resolving the Sudanese crisis through peaceful negotiations, and the efforts that lead to ending the “25th of February coup”, in addition to recovering the State from the grip of the “Islamic Front” through dismantling its ruling authority that lasted in power for more than three decades, during which it impoverished Sudan and brought it into conflict with the international community through reckless actions and the bloody “Brotherhood” approach known to all.

There is compelling evidence proving the leaders of the “Brotherhood’s” activities and their incitement to thwart the Agreement and to propel their bases towards confrontation, which reached the height of foolishness when one of them requested a religious “fatwa” to sanction the blood of the UN Special Envoy, since he was in charge of the political solution process that culminated in the “Framework Agreement,” while other leaders among them appeared, threatening – publicly, and before the end of the war – to eliminate political activists in the Sudanese scene, and confirming their return to power in an absolute manner, thus ending the state of being in power -hidden- behind Al-Burhan’s leadership.

This “truth” is being revealed on adaily basis, and perhaps its truest expression was conveyed by Dr. Tariq Al-Sheikh’s pen in an article titled: “What are the real forces behind the bloody scene?!”, where he wrote the following: “What is taking place today in Sudan, is a military coup orchestrated by the (Muslim Brotherhood) in order to remove the greatest threat to them, represented in Mohammed Hamdan Hemedti and his forces. This is being carried out with the support (and leadership) of Al-Burhan, who seems to stay away from the media, as his words will expose him, in addition to the fact that in any of his appearances, he will be surrounded by forces affiliated with the Islamic Movement.”

In confirmation of the aforementioned claims, American sanctions were imposed on the former Sudanese Foreign Minister and Secretary-General of the Islamic Movement, Ali Karti, accusing him of obstructing ceasefire settlements and efforts to put an end to the devastating conflict in Sudan.

In contrast to this vision, others see it as a “correction movement” by the Sudanese army regarding the “Rapid Support Forces” under the pretext of “rebellion.” They provide no argument that indicates this alleged rebellion. Rather, the rhetoric of contradiction surrounds this point of view, since the Rapid Support was originally a creation of the army itself, receiving orders, and existing under their sign. A meeting was scheduled to take place between “Al-Burhan” and “Hemedti” to resolve the “Framework Agreement” issue, and that was the very day on which the bloody events took place, which clearly indicates foul play and hidden hands seeking to incite this unjustified conflict between the friends of yesterday, so that the situation in Sudan would reach its current state of today.

Whatever the situation might be, the need has become urgent and critical enough for Arab, regional and global intervention to stop this absurd conflict taking place currently, stop the shedding of Sudanese blood first, and carry out the process of political transformation in accordance with the “Framework Agreement” plan, in a way that returns this brotherly country to its previous state. A state we’ve known it to maintain for ages, being a source of goodness, not a source of strife, and never a source of dissension or evil for its people and neighboring nations.

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