“UAE” sends a letter regarding Sudan to UN Security Council

The Permanent UAE’s Mission to the UN، denounced what it described as “false allegations” from the Permanent Representative of Sudan to the UN, concerning UAE’s involvement in “any forms of aggression” and “destabilization efforts” in the country.

This came in a letter sent by the Permanent Ambassador of the UAE, Mohammed Abu-Shahab, to the presidency of the UN Security Council yesterday, Sunday. Abu-Shahab stated, “The claims of the Permanent Representative of Sudan are baseless and contradict the established fraternal relations between our countries.” He added: “Unfortunately, this seems to be nothing more than a mere attempt at distraction from the conflict and deteriorating humanitarian conditions that resulted from the ongoing war.” The latter confirmed that “all allegations involving UAE in any form of aggression or destabilization efforts in Sudan, as well as allegations of providing military, logistic, financial or political support to any faction in Sudan are false and baseless propaganda that lacks any reliable evidence to support those claims.”

The ambassador indicated that UAE, since the beginning of the conflict in Sudan, has expressed their belief that “there is no military solution to the conflict”. Vocalizing their concerns about the unresponsive stances of the parties to the conflict to calls for cessation hostilities or efforts to reach a solution through negotiations.

The letter continued: “In this context, the United Arab Emirates also expresses its deep concern over the spread of misleading information and false narratives, which would undermine any efforts aimed at promoting constructive dialogue and paving the way towards ultimately achieving lasting peace.” Abu Shahab stressed that UAE “respects the sovereignty of other countries, refrains from any interference in their internal affairs, and is committed to full compliance with the resolutions of the UN Security Council.”

The Emirati ambassador also reiterated that his country “will remain committed to supporting a peaceful solution to the conflict in Sudan” and will continue to work with all concerned parties, as well as support any process aimed at placing Sudan on the political path of reaching a permanent settlement and achieving a national consensus to form a civilian-led government.

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